Basketball Football

Gary Hood

User Details

Auto League Stats

  • W-L This Year
    22,795 - 15,950 (.588 PCT)
    (#8 of 27428) in Wins
  • W-L All Time
    211,655 - 161,527 (.567 PCT)
    (#6 of 27428) in Wins
  • Playoffs: 1453
    (#9 of 27428)
  • Rings: 366
    (#10 of 27428)
  • MVPs: 264 (#19 of 27428)
    CYs: 206 (#28 of 27428)

Custom League Stats

  • W-L All Time
    2,624 - 2,730 (.490 PCT)
    (#792 of 27428) in Wins
  • Rings: 2
    (#522 of 27428)

Hoops Playground

User's Leagues

* To see awards from other sports, use the toggle on the upper-right corner of this page.

Auto League Trophy Case

Millville Monkeys

All-Time Greats

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs


Jenkin's Ferry Hobos


Barrett Town Bandersnatches

Best of 1980s

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Hershyville Candy Makers

All-Time Greats

Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


Memphis Red Sox

Random Players

Homestead Grays

Best of 2010s

Memphis Red Sox

Random Players

Hammerford Horned Frogs

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1970s

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1980s

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1993

Black River Terrapins

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs


Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Baltimore Elite Giants

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1980s

Humbleberg Feather Cats

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Millville Monkeys

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Random Players

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Hemlock Grove Pit Pickers

Deadball Era

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Pittsburgh Crawfords

Ruthian Era

Baltimore Elite Giants

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 2015

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Hammer Mill Hobos

All-Time Greats

Pittsburgh Crawfords

Best of 1980s

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Henzeltown Slither Toads

Best of 1990s

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs


Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Memphis Red Sox

Random Players

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Hazelhurst Walnut Pickers

Best of 2010s

Pittsburgh Crawfords

Ruthian Era

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Hennlyville Honey Dippers

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Harper's Ferry Mudskippers


Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1970s

Hershyville Candy Makers

All-Time Greats

Humbleberg Feather Cats

All-Time Greats

Memphis Red Sox

Random Players

Hempford Hissing Toads

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs


Kansas City Monarchs

Random Players

Kansas City Monarchs


Baltimore Elite Giants

Random Players

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Morleyville Mud Skippers


Pittsburgh Crawfords

Ruthian Era

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Memphis Red Sox

Random Players

Millville Monkeys

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 2015

Hazelhurst Walnut Pickers

Best of 2010s

Turkey Scratch Peach Lickers

Best of 2000s

Humbleberg Feather Cats

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Pittsburgh Crawfords

Best of 1980s

Kansas City Monarchs

All-Time Greats

Chili Creek Chihuahuas


Pittsburgh Crawfords

Ruthian Era

Henzeltown Slither Toads

Best of 1990s

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Millville Monkeys

All-Time Greats

Baltimore Elite Giants

All-Time Greats

Memphis Red Sox

Random Players

Hempford Hissing Toads

All-Time Greats

Memphis Red Sox

Random Players

Willow Creek Gingersnaps

Best of 1970s

Hershyville Candy Makers

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs


Hammerford Horned Frogs

All-Time Greats

Hinkle Falls Cat Wranglers

All-Time Greats

Chili Creek Chihuahuas


Hammer Mill Hobos

All-Time Greats

Hempford Hissing Toads

All-Time Greats

Homestead Grays

Best of 2010s

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Hawkinsville Roughriders

All-Time Greats

Humbleberg Feather Cats

All-Time Greats

Morleyville Mud Skippers


Henzeltown Slither Toads

Best of 1990s

Hinkle Falls Cat Wranglers

All-Time Greats

Harper’s Ferry Stone Pilots

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Hokkaido Ham Fighters

All-Time Japan Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Water Town Mudskippers

All-Time Greats

Hennlyville Honey Dippers

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1997

Pittsburgh Crawfords

Ruthian Era

Humbleberg Feather Cats

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Random Players

Hemlock Grove Pit Pickers

Deadball Era

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

New York Yankees

Favorite Teams

Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Hinkle Falls Cat Wranglers

All-Time Greats

Hammer Mill Hobos

All-Time Greats

Chili Creek Chihuahuas


Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Turtle Ridge Sand Lappers

All-Time Greats

Cooperstown Mill Workers

Ruthian Era

Baltimore Elite Giants

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Pittsburgh Crawfords

Ruthian Era

Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


Millville Monkeys

All-Time Greats

Hempford Hissing Toads

All-Time Greats

Hammerford Horned Frogs

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1980s

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Harper's Ferry Mudskippers


Hawkinsville Roughriders

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs

Best of 1993

Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Hammer Mill Hobos

All-Time Greats

Humbleberg Feather Cats

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Turtle Ridge Sand Lappers

All-Time Greats

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Marrow Swamp Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Kansas City Monarchs


Hidelberg Oyster Floaters

All-Time Greats

St. Louis Cardinals

Favorite Teams

Barrett Town Bandersnatches

Best of 1980s

Harper’s Ferry Stone Pilots

All-Time Greats

Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Hershyville Candy Makers

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Harper's Ferry Mudskippers


Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


New York Yankees

Favorite Teams

Turtle Ridge Sand Lappers

All-Time Greats

Barrett Town Bandersnatches

Best of 1980s

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Harper's Ferry Mudskippers


Henzeltown Slither Toads

Best of 1990s

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Harper's Ferry Mudskippers


Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Hidelberg Oyster Floaters

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Hobos


Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Hawkinsville Roughriders

All-Time Greats

Henzeltown Slither Toads

Best of 1990s

Hidelberg Oyster Floaters

All-Time Greats

Cooperstown Mill Workers

Ruthian Era

Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Horner's Mill Wheat Grinders

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Whisper City Gravel Diggers

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Mercy Pickett Mule Tamers

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Hobos


Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Horner's Mill Wheat Grinders

All-Time Greats

Cedar Mountain Candied Yams


Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


Jenkin's Ferry Hobos


Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Rainy Creek Toad Snatchers


Jenkin's Ferry Hobos


Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Humbleberg Hash Slingers

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Hobos


Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Horner's Mill Wheat Grinders

All-Time Greats

Hinkleburg Hilltoppers

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Water Town Mudskippers

All-Time Greats

Hidelberg Oyster Floaters

All-Time Greats

Whisper City Gravel Diggers

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Horseshoe Falls Bagniokeepers


Horner's Mill Wheat Grinders

All-Time Greats

Philadelphia Athletics

All-Time Greats

Hammerford Horned Frogs

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Black River Terrapins

All-Time Greats

Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Horner's Mill Wheat Grinders

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Rainy Creek Toad Snatchers


Hawkinsville Roughriders

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Black River Terrapins

All-Time Greats

Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Toothpicks

All-Time Greats

Turtle Ridge Sand Lappers

All-Time Greats

Horner's Mill Wheat Grinders

All-Time Greats

Humbleberg Hash Slingers

All-Time Greats

Hoarse Flatts Grey Bellies

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Harper's Ferry Rumble Bears

All-Time Greats

Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Horner's Mill Wheat Grinders

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Humbleberg Hash Slingers

All-Time Greats

Rainy Creek Toad Snatchers


Hoarse Flatts Grey Bellies

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Harrow Wood Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Water Town Mudskippers

All-Time Greats

Hammer Mill Hobos

All-Time Greats

Humbleberg Hash Slingers

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Hennlyville Honey Dippers

All-Time Greats

Rainy Creek Toad Snatchers


Chicago Black Sox

All-Time Greats

Turtle Ridge Sand Lappers

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Torry Town Thimbleriggers

All-Time Greats

Chicago Black Sox

All-Time Greats

Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Water Town Mudskippers

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Hennlyville Honey Dippers

All-Time Greats

Hoarse Flatts Grey Bellies

All-Time Greats

Harper's Ferry Rumble Bears

All-Time Greats

Cedar Mountain Candied Yams


Chicago Black Sox

All-Time Greats

Philadelphia Athletics

All-Time Greats

New York Highlanders

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Water Town Mudskippers

All-Time Greats

Hammer Mill Hobos

All-Time Greats

Amherst Lord Jeffs

All-Time Greats

Rainy Creek Toad Snatchers


Hinkleburg Hilltoppers

All-Time Greats

Hawkinsville Roughriders

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Black River Terrapins

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

New York Highlanders

All-Time Greats

Hornstein Rabbit Diggers

All-Time Greats

Toad Hop Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Whisper City Gravel Diggers

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Marrow Swamp Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Harper's Ferry Rumble Bears

All-Time Greats

Heather Town Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Water Town Mudskippers

All-Time Greats

Ridge Harbor Lead Bellies


Harrow Wood Mist

All-Time Greats

Mirkwood Hobbits

All-Time Greats

Harrow Wood Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Chicago Black Sox

All-Time Greats

Hinkinsville Wombats

All-Time Greats

Willow Creek Ginger Snaps

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Worm Riders

All-Time Greats

Philadelphia Athletics

All-Time Greats

Hoarse Flatts Grey Bellies

All-Time Greats

Chicago Cubs

Favorite Teams

Chicago Black Sox

All-Time Greats

Hinkinsville Wombats

All-Time Greats

Jenkin's Ferry Hobos


Gatlinburg Renegades

All-Time Greats

Grover Mill Crawdads

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Hoarse Flatts Grey Bellies

All-Time Greats

Hinkinsville Wombats

All-Time Greats

Grover Mill Crawdads

All-Time Greats

Hyattsville Toothpicks


Marrow Swamp Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Hemmingford Home Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Hobbiton Hairfoots

All-Time Greats

Mirkwood Hobbits

All-Time Greats

Crooks Bottom Corn Shuckers

All-Time Greats

Muck City Tick Pickers


Willow Creek Ginger Snaps

All-Time Greats

Grover Mill Candied Yams


Marrow Swamp Wendigos

All-Time Greats

Chicago Black Sox

All-Time Greats

Whisper City Hobos

All-Time Greats

Boston Beaneaters


Creek's Bottom Phantoms


Talking Rock Candied Yams

All-Time Greats

Sailor Creek Mountaineers

All-Time Greats

Charlottesville Renegades

Ruthian Era

Broken Ridge Rice Birds

All-Time Greats

Vicksburg Sandlappers

Deadball Era

Gatlinburg Blue Bellies

All-Time Greats

Pickett's Ridge Sharpshooters


Blunt Mountain Renegades

All-Time Greats

Sailor's Creek Blue Bellies

All-Time Greats

Day's Gap Rough Riders

All-Time Greats

Rowlett's Station Rice Birds

All-Time Greats

Great Lakes Salty Dogs

All-Time Greats

Gettysburg Grey Ghosts

All-Time Greats

Gettysburg Grey Ghosts

All-Time Greats

Pittsburgh Crawford

All-Time Greats

Cove Mountain Blue Bellies

Ruthian Era

New York Highlanders

Favorite Teams

Jenkin's Ferry Yaller Hammers

All-Time Greats

Byram's Ford Gophers

All-Time Greats

Sailor's Creek Corn Crackers

All-Time Greats

Ivy Mountain Headhunters

All-Time Greats

Vicksburg Sandlappers

All-Time Greats

Antietam Blue Bellies

All-Time Greats

Pittsburgh Crawfords

All-Time Greats

Baltimore Elite Giants


Mudville Nine

Deadball Era

Homestead Grays

All-Time Greats

Chicago Whales

All-Time Greats

St.Louis Stars

All-Time Greats

Birmingham Black Barons

All-Time Greats

Chunichi Dragons

Best of 2010

Chicago Cubbies

Favorite Teams

New York Giants

All-Time Greats

New York Lincoln Giants

All-Time Greats

Hokkaido HamFighters

Best of 2010

New York Yankees

Favorite Teams

Hilldale Daisies

Ruthian Era

St. Louis Stars

All-Time Greats

New York Gothams

Favorite Teams

Custom League Trophy Case

San Francisco Revolution

Ultimate GM Dynasty

Award Winners (All Leagues)

Al Downing (Chihuahuas)

Cy - Auto League 93 Mid-Century

Ted Williams (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 461 All-Time Great..

Pedro Guerrero (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 1224 Best of 1980s

Sandy Koufax (Mudskippers)

Cy - Auto League 577 Mid-Century

Tony Perez (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 1241 Best of 1970s

Jeff Fassero (Monarchs)

Cy - Auto League 40 Best of 1993

Jake Arrieta (Horned Frogs)

Cy - Auto League 304 All-Time Great..

J.R. Richard (Monarchs)

Cy - Auto League 165 All-Time Great..

Pete Alexander (Cubs)

Cy - Auto League 1752 Favorite Team..

Jake Arrieta (Grays)

Cy - Auto League 118 All-Time Great..

Lou Gehrig (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 339 Favorite Teams

Barry Bonds (Grays)

MVP - Auto League 1291 All-Time Grea..

J.R. Richard (Grays)

Cy - Auto League 1291 All-Time Grea..

Greg Maddux (Hobos)

Cy - Auto League 189 All-Time Great..

Nolan Ryan (Terrapins)

Cy - Auto League 154 All-Time Great..

Ted Williams (Hissing Toads)

MVP - Auto League 14 All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Monarchs)

Cy - Auto League 580 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 676 All-Time Great..

Barry Bonds (Honey Dippers)

MVP - Auto League 131 All-Time Great..

Dick Allen (Gingersnaps)

MVP - Auto League 1112 Best of 1970s

Grant Balfour (Walnut Pickers)

Cy - Auto League 414 Best of 2010s

Babe Ruth (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 1124 All-Time Grea..

Brad Boxberger (Candy Makers)

Cy - Auto League 271 All-Time Great..

Pedro Martinez (Mud Skippers)

Cy - Auto League 399 1970-Present

Nolan Ryan (Bagniokeepers)

Cy - Auto League 617 1970-Present

Dwight Gooden (Monarchs)

Cy - Auto League 400 Best of 1980s

Lee Smith (Monarchs)

Cy - Auto League 27 Best of 1988

Justin Verlander (Grays)

Cy - Auto League 1454 Best of 2010s

Eddie Murray (Crawfords)

MVP - Auto League 327 Best of 1980s

Jimmie Foxx (Red Sox)

MVP - Auto League 1101 Random Player..

Tino Martinez (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 792 Best of 1997

Barry Bonds (Mist)

MVP - Auto League 165 All-Time Great..

Nolan Ryan (Horned Frogs)

Cy - Auto League 304 All-Time Great..

Babe Ruth (Grays)

MVP - Auto League 118 All-Time Great..

Hank Aaron (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 1241 Best of 1970s

Larry Walker (Grays)

MVP - Auto League 98 All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Worm Riders)

Cy - Auto League 4 All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - Auto League 15 All-Time Greats

Dutch Leonard (Candy Makers)

Cy - Auto League 271 All-Time Great..

Luis Tiant (Gravel Diggers)

Cy - Auto League 542 All-Time Great..

Babe Ruth (Gravel Diggers)

MVP - Auto League 542 All-Time Great..

J.R. Richard (Monarchs)

Cy - Auto League 721 All-Time Great..

Jimmie Foxx (Monarchs)

MVP - Auto League 461 All-Time Great..

Bert Blyleven (Monarchs)

Cy - Best of 1982

Joey Devine (Bagniokeepers)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bagniokeepers)

MVP - 1970-Present

Hank Aaron (Red Sox)

MVP - Random Players

Jim Gentile (Monarchs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Juan Marichal (Monarchs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Josh Hader (Wendigos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Duke Snider (Chihuahuas)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ed Reulbach (Toothpicks)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Steve Rogers (Monarchs)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Carl Yastrzemski (Monarchs)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Pete Alexander (Pit Pickers)

Cy - Deadball Era

Mark McGwire (Monarchs)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Worm Riders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Terrapins)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Elite Giants)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Herman (Gravel Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jim Gentile (Monarchs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Luis Tiant (Monarchs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Monarchs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Mudskippers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Luis Tiant (Mudskippers)

Cy - Mid-Century

J.R. Richard (Monarchs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

George Brett (Monarchs)

MVP - Best of 1988

Barry Bonds (Monkeys)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Monkeys)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Dale Murphy (Crawfords)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Blake Snell (Horned Frogs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Toothpicks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Lead Bellies)

Cy - 1970-Present

Al Downing (Monarchs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Jake Arrieta (Wendigos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Pit Pickers)

Cy - Deadball Era

Ted Kluszewski (Chihuahuas)

MVP - Mid-Century

Sixto Lezcano (Gingersnaps)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Rafael Palmeiro (Slither Toads)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (Stone Pilots)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Justin Verlander (Monarchs)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Monarchs)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jake Arrieta (Monarchs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pete Alexander (Monarchs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ralph Kiner (Red Sox)

MVP - Random Players

Clay Buchholz (Walnut Pickers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Barry Bonds (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Randy Johnson (Peach Lickers)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Sandy Koufax (Monarchs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Jeff Bagwell (Grays)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Mist)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Larry Walker (Grays)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Hobos)

MVP - 1970-Present

Norm Cash (Monarchs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Hideo Fujimoto (Ham Fighters)

Cy - All-Time Japan Greats

Ty Cobb (Pit Pickers)

MVP - Deadball Era

Babe Ruth (Roughriders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Rabbit Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Rabbit Diggers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Monarchs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Bandersnatches)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Justin Verlander (Mudskippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Julio Urias (Monarchs)

Cy - Best of 2022

Jim Thome (Bagniokeepers)

MVP - 1970-Present

Christy Mathewson (Grays)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Huston Street (Honey Dippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Bryce Harper (Monarchs)

MVP - Best of 2015

Dellin Betances (Feather Cats)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mike Adams (Lead Bellies)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jake Arrieta (Roughriders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jim Gentile (Monarchs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Clayton Kershaw (Sand Lappers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Addie Joss (Pit Pickers)

Cy - Deadball Era

Hughie Jennings (Pit Pickers)

MVP - Deadball Era

Frank Robinson (Monarchs)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Grays)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Don Drysdale (Chihuahuas)

Cy - Mid-Century

Rogers Hornsby (Crawfords)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Ted Williams (Grays)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jim Gentile (Monarchs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Monkeys)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Denny McLain (Mudskippers)

Cy - Mid-Century

J.R. Richard (Feather Cats)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Rafael Soriano (Corn Shuckers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Gravel Diggers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Hissing Toads)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Hissing Toads)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Honey Dippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Grays)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jimmie Foxx (Feather Cats)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Zack Greinke (Horned Frogs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Yankees)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Nolan Ryan (Wendigos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Hobos)

MVP - 1970-Present

Eddie Mathews (Red Sox)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Josh Hader (Honey Dippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Fred McGriff (Monarchs)

MVP - Best of 1988

Luis Tiant (Grays)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Chad Green (Yankees)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Blake Snell (Mist)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Mist)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Tom Niedenfuer (Bandersnatches)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Lead Bellies)

MVP - 1970-Present

J.R. Richard (Elite Giants)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Worm Riders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pete Alexander (Beaneaters)

Cy - Deadball Era

Josh Hader (Corn Shuckers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Hideo Fujimoto (Ham Fighters)

Cy - All-Time Japan Greats

Phil Plantier (Slither Toads)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Babe Ruth (Monkeys)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Bandersnatches)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Dale Murphy (Monarchs)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Blake Snell (Lead Bellies)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Grays)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Andy Messersmith (Mudskippers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Bob Feller (Mill Workers)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Lou Gehrig (Worm Riders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Al Mamaux (Crawfords)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Lou Gehrig (Yankees)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Sandy Koufax (Hobos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Hobos)

Cy - 1970-Present

Juan Guzman (Slither Toads)

Cy - Best of 1990s

J.R. Richard (Bagniokeepers)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bagniokeepers)

MVP - 1970-Present

Mel Ott (Gunslingers)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Grays)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Rogers Hornsby (Mill Workers)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Walter Johnson (Pit Pickers)

Cy - Deadball Era

Luis Tiant (Hobos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Roger Clemens (Bandersnatches)

Cy - Best of 1980s

J.R. Richard (Stone Pilots)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Phil Plantier (Slither Toads)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Cody Bellinger (Walnut Pickers)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Barry Bonds (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Yankees)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Javy Lopez (Braves)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Barry Bonds (Hobos)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Lead Bellies)

MVP - 1970-Present

Roger Maris (Chihuahuas)

MVP - Mid-Century

Corey Kluber (Horned Frogs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mordecai Brown (Candy Makers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Sand Lappers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jack Clark (Bandersnatches)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Lou Gehrig (Horned Frogs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Toothpicks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (Mudskippers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Sandy Koufax (Mudskippers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Hugh Duffy (Pit Pickers)

MVP - Deadball Era

Randy Johnson (Slither Toads)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Willie McCovey (Mudskippers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Craig Kimbrel (Grays)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Rafael Betancourt (Wendigos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Zack Greinke (Hash Slingers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Hobbits)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (Hilltoppers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Grey Bellies)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Lead Bellies)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jimmie Foxx (Toothpicks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Athletics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Mist)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Hilltoppers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Hobbits)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Aroldis Chapman (Feather Cats)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Todd Helton (Hobos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Mudskippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Sand Lappers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Mist)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Hash Slingers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Joe McGinnity (Corn Shuckers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Joe Morgan (Rabbit Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Rube Waddell (Toothpicks)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Candied Yams)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (Athletics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Athletics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Todd Helton (Hash Slingers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Thimbleriggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Horned Frogs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ernie Banks (Mudskippers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jeff Bagwell (Hobos)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jeff Bagwell (Rabbit Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Al Simmons (Toothpicks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Thimbleriggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Roughriders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Gaylord Perry (Lead Bellies)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jeff Bagwell (Lead Bellies)

MVP - 1970-Present

Mickey Mantle (Worm Riders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Wildcats)

MVP - European Baseball Union

George McQuillan (Terrapins)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (Sand Lappers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Al Simmons (Hobos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Wheat Grinders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Todd Helton (Wheat Grinders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Hash Slingers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Feather Cats)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Hobbits)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Lead Bellies)

MVP - 1970-Present

Vladimir Guerrero (Hobos)

MVP - 1970-Present

Russ Ford (Wendigos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Hobos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pete Alexander (Mist)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (Hash Slingers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Hobbits)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Rumble Bears)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Vida Blue (Hobos)

Cy - 1970-Present

Norm Cash (Toothpicks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Gravel Diggers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (Gravel Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Wheat Grinders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Hash Slingers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Honey Dippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Grey Bellies)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Grey Bellies)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mordecai Brown (Mudskippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Mist)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Honey Dippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Mudskippers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Luis Tiant (Mudskippers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Larry Walker (Toad Snatchers)

MVP - 1970-Present

Ted Williams (Chihuahuas)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jimmie Foxx (Thimbleriggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Joe McGinnity (Mudskippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Hash Slingers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Lord Jeffs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Corn Shuckers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Honey Dippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Grey Bellies)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Rumble Bears)

Cy - All-Time Greats

George McQuillan (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Mudskippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Hobos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Greg Maddux (Athletics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Athletics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Joe McGinnity (Roughriders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Terrapins)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Honey Dippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Honey Dippers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Rumble Bears)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Larry Walker (Rabbit Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Larry Walker (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dave McNally (Hobos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Athletics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Lord Jeffs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Highlanders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (Candied Yams)

Cy - Mid-Century

Rogers Hornsby (Black Sox)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Wombats)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Rabbit Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Worm Riders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Mudskippers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (Athletics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Lord Jeffs)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Mist)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Bill Terry (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Hilltoppers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Candied Yams)

MVP - Mid-Century

Lefty O'Doul (Roughriders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Larry Walker (Lead Bellies)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jeff Bagwell (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Larry Walker (Rumble Bears)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Highlanders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Joe McGinnity (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Todd Helton (Candied Yams)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (Wombats)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Rabbit Diggers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Mudskippers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Mist)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Lord Jeffs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Hilltoppers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Hobbits)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Rogers Hornsby (Highlanders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dave McNally (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Larry Walker (Worm Riders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Justin Verlander (Candied Yams)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Hobos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Nolan Ryan (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Hobos)

MVP - 1970-Present

Todd Helton (Hilltoppers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Chuck Klein (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Black Sox)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Ginger Snaps)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (Hobos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Crawdads)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Joe McGinnity (Giants)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Pedro Martinez (Toad Snatchers)

Cy - 1970-Present

Mordecai Brown (Cubs)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Joe McGinnity (Ginger Snaps)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Chuck Klein (Ginger Snaps)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Wombats)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Chuck Klein (Wombats)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Renegades)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Renegades)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Crawdads)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Athletics)

Cy - Deadball Era

Ted Williams (Corn Shuckers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Grey Bellies)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Hank Greenberg (Terrapins)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Possums)

MVP - Mid-Century

Bob Gibson (Wendigos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Vida Blue (Corn Shuckers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Hairfoots)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Hairfoots)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Hobbits)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Corn Shuckers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Hobos)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jeff Bagwell (Hobos)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Tick Pickers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Gunslingers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mike Griffin (Possums)

MVP - Deadball Era

Lou Gehrig (Wendigos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Black Sox)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (Mudskippers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Rogers Hornsby (Hobos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Worm Riders)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Worm Riders)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Al Simmons (Tick Pickers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Juan Marichal (Beaneaters)

Cy - Mid-Century

Juan Marichal (Phantoms)

Cy - Mid-Century

Willie McCovey (Phantoms)

MVP - Mid-Century

Lou Gehrig (Rough Riders)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Jeff Bagwell (Mudskippers)

MVP - 1970-Present

Larry Walker (Mountaineers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mordecai Brown (Mountaineers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Corn Shuckers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Kluszewski (Tick Pickers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jeff Bagwell (Toothpicks)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (Rice Birds)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Milt Shoffner (Phantoms)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Jack Pfiester (Blue Bellies)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Blue Bellies)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Denny McLain (Sharpshooters)

Cy - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Head Hunters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Todd Helton (Renegades)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Renegades)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Sand Lappers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Sand Lappers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Larry Walker (Rice Birds)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Rice Birds)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Toothpicks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Blue Jackets)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pete Alexander (Grey Ghosts)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Grey Ghosts)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Crawford)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Bob Feller (Blue Bellies)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Al Simmons (Blue Bellies)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Babe Ruth (Highlanders)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Babe Ruth (Yaller Hammers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Grays)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Rogers Hornsby (Grays)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Corn Crackers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Lazy Days)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Johan Santana (Crawfords)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Ted Williams (49ers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Reggie Grabowski (Dragoons)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Red Shea (Border Ruffians)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Luis Tiant (Headhunters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (Sandlappers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (Yankees)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Eagles)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Babe Ruth (Colonels)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Cushman (Nine)

Cy - Deadball Era

Luis Tiant (Stars)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pat Jarvis (Black Yankees)

Cy - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Black Barons)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Giants)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mordecai Brown (Cubbies)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Todd Helton (Black Soxs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Clowns)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (Giants)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Joe McGinnity (Giants)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Hugh Duffy (Stars)

MVP - Deadball Era

Babe Ruth (Monarchs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Steelheads)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jack Chesbro (Black Barons)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Chief Bender (HamFighters)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Fav Team Budget Draft Titles

Can you bring home a title with every franchise?


Red Sox
White Sox
Kansas City
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
New York
New York
San Diego
San Francisco
St. Louis
Tampa Bay
Blue Jays


Golden State
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
New Orleans
New York
Oklahoma City
San Antonio


Green Bay
Kansas City
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
New England
New Orleans
New York
New York
San Francisco
Tampa Bay

Player Scramble

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