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Website Questions

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New Japanese All Time Greats Stats

Anybody know what's going on with the DWAR numbers in the new Japanese All Time Greats Leagues? Not a single negative DWAR value in the entire player pool. Only 2 players on my roster with a sub +2... Read More...

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Text Messages

I recently stopped receiving most of the the PC text messages. Seems weird because I didn't change carriers or phones or anything. Even stranger, I'm still receiving the league advanced messages but n.. Read More...

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Team Owner Quits During Playoff ??

Guy, In Favorite Team League 1237, a WAR Budget League, the owner of a playoff team, the Boston Red Sox, has quit the league. The standings show 0 as owner and there is no owner shown on the team dro.. Read More...

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6/16 ngdrb Website Questions 12

Has anyone, that competes in multiple leagues, noticed that when you start a losing streak in one of your teams, they all follow suit? I am in 4 leagues and have seen this several times throughout the.. Read More...