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Last 20 Public Posts

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Re: Anyone else ever do better with

Pitchers don't hit their averages due to Slump Buster and Big Advantage Parks, there really is no need for Slump Buster, just the normal coding of replicating REAL stats should drive stats to somewher.. Read More...

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Draft Notices

I am concerned that my drafting leagues are not being reported by email anymore as having taken place and it causes me to miss rounds thus making a mess of my roster. Please rectify this right away.. Read More...

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Re: This Day in Baseball History

Damn significant day in MLB!

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Re: Charley Hustle

10/1 plpl512 Random Chatter 17

Pete Rose, its also a dude in its 30's engaging in a love affair with a 14 years old teenager... He tought she was 16 he said. WTF is that ? And then settle off court. Wonder why ? What a clow.. Read More...

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Re: Waiver Claims

Same here, looks like it's fixed for now

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Waiver claims

Are not working for ATG — 165

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Re: Luis Arraez

Thx, KRT. That's precisely why I asked. I'm currently spreadsheeting all 1980s valid seasons for players just so I can easily compare players by position based on criteria I'm looking to put on the .. Read More...

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Re: Favorites War Draft Basketball Leag

The link doesn't work brother.

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Re: TMFL Opening

We have a new opening (Buccaneers). They have a decent team; QB Jeff Garcia, RB Eddie George, WR Marvin Harrison. We're getting ready to start 2000. This is a historic league so real stats are used. .. Read More...

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Open budget league

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Firefox vs Edge

Just switched from Firefox to Edge on one of my laptops. PC went from molasses slow to lightening quick. Anyone else experience this? While Edge is faster overall with a lot of sites, it is .. Read More...

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Re: Re: The Captain

Espn sports century had another great one about Billy , I honestly think that if they hadn,t been seperated , he would have given Reggie a run for his money. If I could see any 2 people in baseball hi.. Read More...

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Re: Re: Player Defensive Value

I used Harold Baines in a Custom Real Progression league with no Fld % in OF - he made 25 errors. I really had no other options, but it interesting to see the result. Read More...

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Re: Re: 50 - 50 ?

Yeah jimgriddy - that WC in the NL is a hot mess. There's a 3 way tie as of this morning between the Mets, Braves and DBacks. Padres clinched yesterday. It looks like no matter what happens the next 2.. Read More...

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Re: Favorite Teams Cheats

9/27 plpl512 Random Chatter 28

I often use teams with a bunch of openers in my rotation and a deep relief crew. This options as been available for years...don't know why people using it are insulted and called cheaters ? In 2.. Read More...

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That moment when...

You realize just how bad your lineup has to be overall to see a guy with numbers like these have a record like that Read More...

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Re: Re: End of an era.......

Did his stuffed animals sing backup ? lol

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Openings in unique All Yankees League

9/26 GusPC13 Random Chatter 0

League is made up of players who played for the New York Yankees from 1961 to Present. Players are divided up into teams based on who else they played for during their career. There are also 2 Yankee .. Read More...

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Re: New filler team name?

Wait, nope. Sheik is right. I never noticed it until now, but i just checked a few other WAR budget leagues I'm in. In all of the ones I checked, the filler teams did NOT apply the "fill" team names i.. Read More...

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Re: Ads

Even I decided to donate via the no ads option a little while back because it's been becoming too unbearable tbh Read More...