Join Football Sim Leagues
Automated League
This is the best choice for newbies or those who want to jump in a league quickly. These leagues run on auto-pilot. One type of draft is available in football auto leagues, which is the Daily Draft (you'll rank players and get picks every eight hours).
Custom League
Leagues created by individual commissioners, and tend to be for more advanced users. They can be very creative, but the quality of the league depends on the dedication of the commissioner. The webmaster has no influence or control over these leagues.
Private League
Typically created for friends & family. You can only join if you have received a league ID and password from a commissioner. These leagues are not open to the public. They are by invitation only. Click below, then enter your league ID and code to join the league.
Rolling Dynasty
Rolling Dynasty leagues are automated leagues where you can jump in at any point if a team is available and see if you can build your team into a champion. Features rookie drafts each season using the live draft room.
Want to be a Commish?
For those interested in being a commissioner, test drive a sample league to become comfortable with the commissioner tools, and then donate $20 to create your own league! Or use a PROMO CODE.
Sandbox League
This is intended to be more of a "solo" experience. Have your own sandbox to experiment with as you wish. A cool feature is the ability to manage your own games! Learn more by viewing this video