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Numerous leagues not filling
Numerous leagues not filling
I have done auto leagues 'other years' for years and I have never seen them take so long to fill. Best of 2011, best of 2012, best of 2015 etc... I have never seen them take so long to fill. Is there anyone out there who wants to join these?
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Im in a couple of the Black Baseball Mash leagues that have the same problem, unfortunately... Even the original Fav Teams leagues are filling faster than those ones
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Mostly play the ATG leagues. Stay in the same ones season after season.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I've got two random player leagues I've been in for a while that hand been stagnant now for 6-8 weeks. Was debating about dropping them but haven't yet. I wonder if there's an amount of time they will sit there without filling before they dissolve?
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
They'll only go away if Guy does a house cleaning. I've got a few long term leagues that are sitting also.
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
my longest running league has been waiting almost a month for 1 team. i keep changing leagues trying to find one that will keep progressing but have had minimal luck. same thing happened when i played in another simulated league. i just ended up giving up
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
To your point of some folks winning year after year ... there are 2 teams in my league that are routinely first or second every season. However, I've played maybe 12 seasons now and am finally seeing some success. I'm currently in sole second place while usually I'm at or near the bottom. Of course I would have to have similar success at least one more season to say I've figured out a useful strategy or discerned the algorithm. Now if most people starting out have the experience I had ... failing year after year after year ... it's easy to see why they would quickly get learned helplessness and quit playing ... which may contribute to leagues not filling. Just spit balling.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Agree this becomes a problem every so often. Most people don’t want to see leagues deleted that they’ve been in for a while. I’m curious what people would prefer. Would they rather see the league kick off with fewer teams, or keep the 12 teams and add even more bots? While I think we’ve appreciated the bots for keeping leagues moving, nobody is happy to see them taking over many teams.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I don't know the numbers for how many users have quit, or if thats really even the issue, but I think the point about newbies becoming discouraged is valid. Perhaps a few special leagues just for them would encourage them to stick with it.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
As for adding more bots I guess that's OK. Its a consistent problem that a lot of users don't want to join a quickdraft league if they aren't one of the first teams to pick. Particularly one in which there are a couple teams that dominate every year. Maybe you could make it so nobody gets to draft until the league is full. Then have it be in a random order.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
It's definitely a tricky situation with the quick draft auto leagues. I love playing in that type of league more so than the daily draft and favorite teams/budget leagues. Nothing against those leagues but I like being able to sit down and pick a whole team in a short period. I'd been staying in my leagues because I like being one of the first to draft in order to have a chance at most or all of the player pool. Unfortunately I have been slowly dropping them as it becomes clear they are not going to fill. I have no problem joining a league late in anticipation of staying in it as it rolls over but it makes it tougher to do that when you know that it might have trouble filling once it rolls over and you're in the same boat all over again.
I do want to bring up that I think the quick draft system could benefit from some tweaks. Someone posted about this league a few days ago and it's a perfect example of what I'm trying to say (no knock on the owner of the team, he's very good on the site and using the system in place). This league has 5 player with an OPS above 1000 and 4 of them are on the same team. In order for the league to be more competitive that shouldn't happen. Maybe slugging and OPS are not being valued enough in the quick draft algorithm? I'm not really sure, but if you do a quick glance at a league and see that one or two teams already have most of the top players in the league that's enough to deter a lot of people. Here's a link to the league I'm referencing - but this is just an example, could be any league.
I do want to bring up that I think the quick draft system could benefit from some tweaks. Someone posted about this league a few days ago and it's a perfect example of what I'm trying to say (no knock on the owner of the team, he's very good on the site and using the system in place). This league has 5 player with an OPS above 1000 and 4 of them are on the same team. In order for the league to be more competitive that shouldn't happen. Maybe slugging and OPS are not being valued enough in the quick draft algorithm? I'm not really sure, but if you do a quick glance at a league and see that one or two teams already have most of the top players in the league that's enough to deter a lot of people. Here's a link to the league I'm referencing - but this is just an example, could be any league.
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I'm a little disappointed that the Japanese leagues are filling really slowly. The revamping of that format has made it a lot more fun and competitive. You now have the opportunity to change players to different seasons and there are several familiar names in the player base. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, give the Japanese Leagues a shot !!
- The Sheik
- The Sheik
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Guy, that is a great question, thank you for putting it out there.
I am in three auto leagues myself that wait at least two or three weeks after every season, before filling and getting going again - two of which are currently waiting. They aren't that year-specific either: Daily Draft 1970-present baseball, and Daily Draft 1980s football.
So, for whatever one man's opinion is worth, I am of the philosophy that says, "How ever many bots it takes is fine with me, let's go play!"
Of course, all other things equal, it's better to have humans than bots...but if it's the difference between getting a season going, or waiting indefinitely for a set number of humans, I would choose the bots, and the game action, every time.
Thank you for everything!
I am in three auto leagues myself that wait at least two or three weeks after every season, before filling and getting going again - two of which are currently waiting. They aren't that year-specific either: Daily Draft 1970-present baseball, and Daily Draft 1980s football.
So, for whatever one man's opinion is worth, I am of the philosophy that says, "How ever many bots it takes is fine with me, let's go play!"
Of course, all other things equal, it's better to have humans than bots...but if it's the difference between getting a season going, or waiting indefinitely for a set number of humans, I would choose the bots, and the game action, every time.
Thank you for everything!
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I dislike the Bots but recognize they are needed, I think there should be a limit of 2 Bots in a 16 Team League though, I will occasionally fill a league and just take a shot, especially if it's a keeper league, those Leagues are to hard to win in a 1st Season regardless
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I think single season auto leagues are great because you use players you wouldn't typically utilize however I also acknowledge the player pools can dry up quicker. I have thought should there be 5 year period leagues or some sort of budget draft implemented in some sort of way in these however the easiest solution is bots I think. I have been playing these since 2012 so I'd hate to see the leagues dissolved.
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I just joined a Dead Ball Auto as the 10th man in. I had what I would consider a well above average to good draft. I then added 2 bots and we're full. I've had a lot of success joining late - If you see one of my "12th Man" teams, that was literally the last team in. I like a challenge occasionally 😉😉😉😎😎😎
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
It seems to me the fill of leagues began to slow at the same time the "If you don't see a league you want, you can create a new one" feature began. There are definitely more leagiue available and many people don't join a league after the first 5-6 teams because most of the best players are gone.
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I've noticed the same uptick in stalled leagues since the 'create your own league' feature was introduced. I'm sure it was well-intended but has seemingly backfired by prompting the Too Much Of A Good Thing Factor.
As Shiek pointed out, yes, it's possible to draft late and still land a competitive roster but my experience reflects that as more the exception rather than the rule. I think most veteran owners balk at wanting to invest three months running a team that's disadvantaged solely because the draft system allows the first few owners a better opportunity to skim the cream off the draft crop.
As Shiek pointed out, yes, it's possible to draft late and still land a competitive roster but my experience reflects that as more the exception rather than the rule. I think most veteran owners balk at wanting to invest three months running a team that's disadvantaged solely because the draft system allows the first few owners a better opportunity to skim the cream off the draft crop.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I have a crazy idea. It wouldnt require any changes other than having people commit to a live draft. Start having a new option for auto leagues but with a twist. Have a live draft for 4 straight days at a given time and every day you draft 6 players with a 2 minute time limit. would take about 2 and a half hours each day. If your not willing to show up or pre rank then dont join , let the people who are invested do the draft.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Not very practical. Trying to get a number of league members to find an acceptable time. (4 days running) won’t work. Maybe you could allow a league so many days to fill. After that just go with 8,9,10,or 11 teams total in the league keeping the bots to no more than 1 or 2 teams. I think that would make the teams a lot more competitive and make the supplemental draft much more deeper. Just a thought.
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
It's a nice thought. But I think live drafts need to be left to custom leagues. It's hard enough to get users to draft with a clock in those.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
I don't see why an auto league with 12 owners would be harder than a custom league with 30. If everyone who joins the league gos into it knowing what is needed
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Auto leagues are for those of us that either don’t have the time or inclination to participate in a live draft. That’s why there are Custom Leagues. To be tied to a live draft for multiple days would completely take the “auto” out of Auto Leagues.
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Well like I said , if you dont like it , dont join. Problem solved. People keep complaining nonstop about how the drafts are unfair in auto leagues , you cant have it both ways. JMHO
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Auto Leagues Games played = 304,238
W188,584 - L115,645
I guess, I dont fit, as invested enough for some people here that have even less than 700 auto leagues games played, but surely like to tell people off like it is a buffet !
I personaly do have a heavy work schedule. So I invest the time i can here , in the best format it fit's me.
But, I would like to raise my finger up, to see if I can give my opinion here ! Since I got it shut for such a long time !
Because of one dude who just sap most of my interest in here ! But have less than 700 games played.
And surely drop my leagues down by more than half in the last year !
And also cut being a donator for the first time in years...
Unless the guy who only played less than 700 auto leagues games, want to sink and trash my opinion here again !
And I would like to add, like he does to other people expressing themsleves here !
Can I ?
W188,584 - L115,645
I guess, I dont fit, as invested enough for some people here that have even less than 700 auto leagues games played, but surely like to tell people off like it is a buffet !
I personaly do have a heavy work schedule. So I invest the time i can here , in the best format it fit's me.
But, I would like to raise my finger up, to see if I can give my opinion here ! Since I got it shut for such a long time !
Because of one dude who just sap most of my interest in here ! But have less than 700 games played.
And surely drop my leagues down by more than half in the last year !
And also cut being a donator for the first time in years...
Unless the guy who only played less than 700 auto leagues games, want to sink and trash my opinion here again !
And I would like to add, like he does to other people expressing themsleves here !
Can I ?
Re: Numerous leagues not filling
Yes plpl515 you should be allowed to express your opinion as that is what the Board is for….. “but if you don’t like it don’t join problem solved”. So I guess we need to move on to another topic.
Re: Re: Numerous leagues not filling
These leagues, needs probably to be advertised, on the board. As many of them are lost in the shuffle, and not even on the join list disponibility, or at the very bottom.
We should not be shy to invite, or send a global message on this board and send a global invitation to help a specific auto league to fill.
Seems to me, like a lot of users are not as active anymore.
And there is also quite a difference in the games now, Seems like some players are performing better that they use to, and there's other players that have taken a drastic plunge. I now see very few difference between most 4th or 5th starters....
As far as Bots, I think they are necesseary. They should only be filled in by bad players. So new players can have access to good players etc, and also be able to compete and have winning records, and be able to sneak in the playoffs.
Having owners who are always on top of the standings, should not be a reason not to join. As this would make any new or less experienced user better.
We all had to go through a learning curve here. And we surely did better, by looking at lineups of other users who were success-full.
And we always have to adapt, as there is often some tweaks being made to the game.
Drafting lower shouldn't either be an obstacle. There are still many ways to be successful and win. And picking late and trying to compete, should be part of the challenge also. Using different players is also fun.
We should not be shy to invite, or send a global message on this board and send a global invitation to help a specific auto league to fill.
Seems to me, like a lot of users are not as active anymore.
And there is also quite a difference in the games now, Seems like some players are performing better that they use to, and there's other players that have taken a drastic plunge. I now see very few difference between most 4th or 5th starters....
As far as Bots, I think they are necesseary. They should only be filled in by bad players. So new players can have access to good players etc, and also be able to compete and have winning records, and be able to sneak in the playoffs.
Having owners who are always on top of the standings, should not be a reason not to join. As this would make any new or less experienced user better.
We all had to go through a learning curve here. And we surely did better, by looking at lineups of other users who were success-full.
And we always have to adapt, as there is often some tweaks being made to the game.
Drafting lower shouldn't either be an obstacle. There are still many ways to be successful and win. And picking late and trying to compete, should be part of the challenge also. Using different players is also fun.