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Post Oaks


Post Oaks (102-67)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 0 trades
Team park
Post Oaks Field
RHB: No Effect
LHB: No Effect
Player OutGames
All Players Healthy
DayUpcoming Opponent
No upcoming games.
1/16BabittsL 12-9  RMessersmithJenkins
1/15BabittsW 4-2  RRichardRogers
1/15@BabittsW 9-2  RMcGrawMcMahon
1/15@BabittsL 6-1  RMatlackNiekro
1/14@BabittsL 5-2  RMessersmithJenkins
1/14BabittsL 8-4  RRogersRichard
1/14BabittsW 3-0  RGuidrySutton
1/13@VikesW 10-3  RGuidryRoberts
1/13@VikesW 5-3  RRichardCandelaria
1/13@VikesW 7-1  RCaldwellDowning
1/12MachineL 2-0  RFingersNiekro
1/12MachineL 5-3  RSutterMcGraw
1/12MachineW 6-4  RGuidrySeaver
1/11@BANANASL 4-3  RHernandezMcGraw
1/11@BANANASL 3-2  RMcNallyCaldwell
1/11@BANANASW 9-1  RNiekroCapra
1/10BabittsW 11-1  RJenkinsMessersmith
1/10BabittsW 8-6  RGuidrySutton
1/10BabittsL 5-4  RRogersRichard
1/9BeesL 12-5  RGullettCaldwell
1/9BeesL 7-6  RHarrisonNiekro
1/9BeesW 5-3  RJenkinsMarichal
1/8@BatsW 10-0  RGuidryCuellar
1/8@BatsW 10-2  RRichardWise
1/8@BatsL 1-0  RReuschelCaldwell
1/7SabotageW 3-1  RNiekroWright
1/7SabotageW 3-2  RJenkinsSwan
1/7SabotageL 5-4  RCarrollMcDaniel
1/6@NightOwlsL 4-3  RMedichRichard
1/6@NightOwlsW 6-3  RCaldwellDrago
1/6@NightOwlsL 4-3  RGibsonNiekro
1/5Green SoxL 8-1  RWoodJenkins
1/5Green SoxL 5-4  RD'AcquistoMcGraw
1/5Green SoxW 5-3  RRichardBrewer
1/4@Vinyl 70'sW 4-1  RCaldwellHoltzman
1/4@Vinyl 70'sL 5-2  RLeonardNiekro
1/4@Vinyl 70'sL 5-3  RHalickiJenkins
1/3@LegendsW 7-4  RGuidryPalmer
1/3@LegendsL 5-4  RWoodsonRichard
1/3@LegendsW 8-4  RCaldwellJones
1/2VikesW 2-1  RMcGrawMingori
1/2VikesW 6-2  RJenkinsRoberts
1/2VikesW 2-0  RGuidryCandelaria
1/1@MachineL 7-2  RMitchellRichard
1/1@MachineW 4-3  RCaldwellMarshall
1/1@MachineW 8-6  RMcGrawFingers
12/31BANANASW 3-2  RJenkinsCarlton
12/31BANANASL 4-0  RGarlandGuidry
12/31BANANASL 6-5  RMcNallyMcGraw
12/30@BabittsL 4-3  RAlexanderHamilton
See Full Season
Trophy Case
 2076 League Champs
 2072 League Champs
 2071 League Champs
 2070 Division Champs
 2068 Division Champs
 2039 Division Champs
 2026 Division Champs
 2024 Division Champs
 2021 Division Champs
 2020 Division Champs
 2019 Division Champs
 2017 League Champs
 2017 Division Champs
 2016 League Champs
 2016 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.