Favorite Teams leagues are not included in Single-Season records. Records only remain for 10 seasons.
1. Adams, Mike (RichieBlondet) West Side Whizzers 0.27
2. Jansen, Kenley (morangslick) Chicago Reapers 0.28
3. Benitez, Armando (Noleary) Baltimore Monumentals 0.52
4. Schiraldi, Calvin (filler) Boston Bees 0.57
5. Jackson, Mike (nmiller4) Cincinnati Reds 0.57
6. Nathan, Joe (Mortamar1966) Morleyville Mud Skippers 0.58
7. Eichhorn, Mark (chaaad) Newark Eagles 0.59
8. Rivera, Mariano (JPThaRipper) LITTLE ROCK EXPRESS 0.60
9. Uehara, Koji (ranger) DEER PARK DEER 0.63
10. Adams, Mike (nycubsfan) Jackson Heights Knights 0.63
11. McGraw, Tug (Seavericious) Cambridge Mets 0.64
12. Jansen, Kenley (shelley71) Bartonsville Butt Munchers 0.65
13. Chapman, Aroldis (rreebe916) Boston Bees 0.65
14. Papelbon, Jonathan (ThEiRoNhOrSe04) Liberty Banditos 57 0.68
15. Abernathy, Ted (Phillyfan) Philly Pirates 0.68
16. Street, Huston (rreebe916) Pensacola Polecats 0.68
17. Street, Huston (nycubsfan) Goshen Gorillas 0.69
18. Davis, Wade (dcwabdi) Candon Cavemen 0.69
19. Kelley, Shawn (Evilpuppy56) Beastie Boys 0.70
20. Adams, Mike (dynasty) Memphis Dragons 0.71
21. Alvarado, Jose (filler) Boston Bees 0.71
22. Chapman, Aroldis (richgibson) US CANNONFODDER 0.72
23. Feliz, Neftali (JoeyT2870) Flying Spaghetti MONSTERS 0.73
24. Eckersley, Dennis (richgibson) Fort Wayne Food for Powder 0.72
25. Howe, Steve (Hendu42) H Town H's 0.72
26. Wilhelm, Hoyt (walle-1) Raritan Retrievers 0.73
27. Eckersley, Dennis (Trulaia) Vermont Lake Monsters 0.73
28. Uehara, Koji WASHINGTON SENATORS 0.74
29. Belinda, Stan (Trulaia) staten island ironworkers 0.74
30. Broxton, Jonathan (ressien) LA Top Guns 0.75
31. Hall, Dick (dynasty) Loudoun Lassos 0.75
32. Benitez, Armando (bamoyer72) Stone Temple Foo Peppers 0.75
33. Uehara, Koji (rreebe916) Strinestown DriveIners 0.75
34. Iglesias, Raisel (coachmcs) Death Valley Devils 0.76
35. Harris, Will (jeter0296) Staten Island Yankees 0.77
36. Montgomery, Jeff (johnmardis) Warner Town Animaniacs 0.78
37. Papelbon, Jonathan (RichieBlondet) Brooklyn Boppers 0.78
38. Adams, Mike (rreebe916) Roided Up Crazies 0.78
39. Diaz, Carlos (jeter0296) Freehold Knights 0.79
40. Gagne, Eric (richp) Danville Duds 0.81
41. Harden, Rich (tjm) Silent Assassins 0.80
42. Holland, Greg (michelb3514) Iowa Corn Pickers 0.81
43. Eichhorn, Mark (johnmardis) Warner Town Animaniacs 0.81
44. Capps, Carter (chaaad) Bartons Nighthawks 0.81
45. Uehara, Koji (Artinshki) Base Ball Classics 0.81
46. Zimmerman, Jeff (filler8) WF Greyhounds 0.82
47. Fromme, Art (sheikyerboudi) Bad News Beers 0.82
48. Melancon, Mark (Trulaia) Chapecó Panther 0.82
49. Foulke, Keith (sgt714) Boston Red Sox 0.83
50. Boxberger, Brad (roots) Atari 1600's 0.82
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