A statement on Coronavirus and PennantChase
It has been a while since I have blogged, but I have been wanting to comment on the recent pandemic and how it impacts this website.
First off, a huge thanks to those of you who have reached out wanting to donate. Due to the crumbling economy, the ads that normally fund this website have been producing very poorly. So I want to truly thank those who have donated during this crazy time. I know that not everyone can afford to donate right now, but for those who have, I can only thank you by doing my best to keep this site going, and keeping it free.
As many of you know, we?ve seen a surge of users due to the pandemic. In my twelve years running this website, I can?t remember a time when we had so many new people signing up every day. In addition, many people are creating new private leagues to fill the void of fantasy baseball. I encourage any new commissioners to reach out to veteran players and other commissioners on the boards or chat if you have questions. The Commissioner Tools are deep and complex, but it seems most of our new users are grasping it very well.
Likewise, I encourage all the long-time vets of PC to check the boards a little more often and offer help to the new players. This may be the one rare time we have a large, thriving community of baseball fans on the site at once, so let?s enjoy it!
Of course, I hope people who have found this site will come to love it like so many of you have and will come back to Pennant Chase once life returns to normal, but I am realistic about the fact that numbers will probably drop once MLB resumes games. We are adding a crazy amount of new auto leagues, so be prepared to have a glut of leagues (and thus the need to delete a bunch of them) once the craziness dies down. But hey, maybe this is the ?new normal? and this crisis has opened everyone?s mind to how great baseball sim can be. We can dream, right?
On a personal note, my life has been crazy since this started. Even though I am stuck at home like most of you, my day job has been highly demanding due to the pandemic, and I have a three-year-old stuck in the house as well. So I am doing my best to stay on top of it all. It?s exhausting, terrifying, and yet exhilarating all at the same time. The silver lining for me is having this chance to introduce so many new people to Pennant Chase. And I have not heard one negative comment, so I think the pandemic is also making all of us a little bit nicer to each other! Thank you for all the words of encouragement you?ve sent over the past few weeks.
Most importantly, stay safe and stay healthy out there. Follow the rules. And of course, stay home and play more Pennant Chase!!
First off, a huge thanks to those of you who have reached out wanting to donate. Due to the crumbling economy, the ads that normally fund this website have been producing very poorly. So I want to truly thank those who have donated during this crazy time. I know that not everyone can afford to donate right now, but for those who have, I can only thank you by doing my best to keep this site going, and keeping it free.
As many of you know, we?ve seen a surge of users due to the pandemic. In my twelve years running this website, I can?t remember a time when we had so many new people signing up every day. In addition, many people are creating new private leagues to fill the void of fantasy baseball. I encourage any new commissioners to reach out to veteran players and other commissioners on the boards or chat if you have questions. The Commissioner Tools are deep and complex, but it seems most of our new users are grasping it very well.
Likewise, I encourage all the long-time vets of PC to check the boards a little more often and offer help to the new players. This may be the one rare time we have a large, thriving community of baseball fans on the site at once, so let?s enjoy it!
Of course, I hope people who have found this site will come to love it like so many of you have and will come back to Pennant Chase once life returns to normal, but I am realistic about the fact that numbers will probably drop once MLB resumes games. We are adding a crazy amount of new auto leagues, so be prepared to have a glut of leagues (and thus the need to delete a bunch of them) once the craziness dies down. But hey, maybe this is the ?new normal? and this crisis has opened everyone?s mind to how great baseball sim can be. We can dream, right?
On a personal note, my life has been crazy since this started. Even though I am stuck at home like most of you, my day job has been highly demanding due to the pandemic, and I have a three-year-old stuck in the house as well. So I am doing my best to stay on top of it all. It?s exhausting, terrifying, and yet exhilarating all at the same time. The silver lining for me is having this chance to introduce so many new people to Pennant Chase. And I have not heard one negative comment, so I think the pandemic is also making all of us a little bit nicer to each other! Thank you for all the words of encouragement you?ve sent over the past few weeks.
Most importantly, stay safe and stay healthy out there. Follow the rules. And of course, stay home and play more Pennant Chase!!
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