
Daily Draft Auto Leagues now starting!

As most of you know, I've been wanting to offer a different draft option for Auto Leagues for a while. Most people turned out to be perfectly happy with the Auto Draft, but there was still a fairly large audience that didn't like that style of draft.

A few weeks ago, we tested out a new daily draft in which teams rank players and the system runs a round every 12 hours. The overall feedback was extremely positive. Owners loved having more control over their roster and who they drafted. The only real negative feedback was that 12 hours felt a little long between rounds. As a result, we're going forward with 8 hours between rounds, which should be enough to keep the draft moving at a nice pace, while giving everyone enough time to tweak rankings between rounds if desired.

Having gone through the initial daily draft myself, I can say I loved it. I feel more ownership over my team since I hand selected each player, and I feel I was able to build a stronger club than I would get from the typical auto draft. Everyone felt like teams ended up more balanced as well. (Although the standings say differently so far, with two teams off to an 11-1 start: Here's the league.)

Because the Daily Draft leagues don't leave as much value behind in free agency, it didn't make sense to offer the typical Day 3 Supplemental Draft. Instead, free agency and drops open after the first game of the season.

This style is now being offered on the Join League page, and will start to roll into more Auto Leagues. For those who enjoy the Auto Draft, that option is not going away.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments or feedback!

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