
Taking a moment to catch up on things

Before I get into my blog posting, a quick note on civility: the site is growing and we're starting to run into the inevitable issue of folks being a little rude and mean to each other. Let's keep Pennant Chase a classy site with a respectful community. If you dislike someone's private league, simply quit. You have the power to rate a commissioner if you like or dislike them. Don't air your grievances publicly, come to me privately and we can handle things. If you are causing trouble by engaging in unfair trades, I have very little tolerance and I will continue booting users from leagues and banning them from trading. All in all, this site has had a great community, let's keep it that way!

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I last checked in, so I wanted to give a brief update on the state of things. As most of you know, the end of 2011 and first couple months of 2012 were filled with enhancements and changes. All that work took its toll, and I've been much more focused on taking a break during the month of March. This month has mostly been focused on behind-the-scenes improvements. I made some great progress cutting down on the number of glitches and unexpected errors, as well as speeding up the site. The site is really running well right now, it's averaging less than one error a day, which is amazing. February was the busiest month in Pennant Chase history, and as a result, the site was not able to handle the traffic, throwing dozens and dozens of errors every day. So I went to work looking for solutions, and so far, so good.

So I guess March hasn't exactly been a vacation, but some much-needed (albeit less glamorous) work has been done on the site. Of course, I still work a "real" job so that obviously takes up the vast majority of my time.

This is not to say there aren't come cool things coming. Behind the scenes, the site has started tracking more defensive stats, and I'm hoping to make that public by the end of the month. Also, when we got low on leagues, I rolled out some special single-season leagues. I'll try to do this every so often when the available leagues runs low.

As for the rest of this year, you know I'm always committed to making small enhancements. I have some "bigger" ideas too, including the possibility of creating other sport sims, which many of you have asked about, but it will all depend on how much time and energy I can spare. I'd also like to move to bigger servers at some point this year too. I know I can't thank all of you who donate personally, but your contribution goes a long way to keeping the site running, so thanks!

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