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Changes in Auto League Supplemental Draft are live

I'm excited to announce the changes discussed last month in the Auto League draft process are now live! In summary:
  • The two first-come, first-serve free agents are no longer available.

  • Free agency will not open until the Supplemental Draft runs after Game 3.

  • The order of the supplemental draft is reverse order of the auto draft (so the last team to Auto Draft gets the first pick in the Supplemental Draft).

  • You MUST rank players in order to receive players in the Supplemental Draft. Since the draft has been moved to Day 4, you'll only have about 24 hours to rank players, so be sure to jump on it as soon as the season starts.

  • Leagues that have already started, the Supplemental Draft will run on Day 10 as it always has. To be clear, there is only ONE supplemental draft per league. Eventually ALL leagues will be moved up to after day 3.

  • NEW on 1/17 - Drops moved to after Game 6. This allows some time between filling out your roster with free agency, and being able to drop players and add even more from the free agent list.

I think everyone has agreed that this will make the process much more fair, and will hopefully inspire owners to join leagues even if they are the last to Auto Draft. This process still benefits ACTIVE owners, because you won't get any players in the Supplemental Draft unless you rank players first.

As with any new changes, let me know if you see any issues or glitches!

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