New rules regarding changing player stats in Auto Leagues
UPDATE 11/27: As a user has pointed, one of the big issues is the ability to change stats, quit the league, then re-draft. As a result, changing stats will not be available until all teams have drafted (at which point you cannot quit Auto Leagues). Since this seems to be the main issue, I've extended changing stats to Game 120, at which point it will turn off for all Auto Leagues.
First off, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, it's been a wild year for pennantchase, two server moves (probably another one before the end of the year) and lots of exciting changes to the website.
I need to announce a change to the rules regarding changing a player's stats in Auto Leagues. Starting immediately, you can only change stats until Game 120. After that, changing stats will be turned off. The reason is because some people toward the end of the season are taking star players and purposely setting them to lackluster seasons, in hopes they can snag them in the upcoming draft, and then set them back to their best season. By limiting changing stats to the first half of the season, the hope is to eliminate this cheap behavior.
It continues to amaze me how some people will try to find any avenue to game the system. I'm not sure how that's actually fun for anyone, but I suppose it is human nature and it's never going to change. So we have to take steps to keep things fair.
As usual, it's the community that alerts to these things, so be sure to let me know when you see bad behavior, and I will do my best to rectify the situation.
Thanks again, and enjoy the holiday!
First off, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, it's been a wild year for pennantchase, two server moves (probably another one before the end of the year) and lots of exciting changes to the website.
I need to announce a change to the rules regarding changing a player's stats in Auto Leagues. Starting immediately, you can only change stats until Game 120. After that, changing stats will be turned off. The reason is because some people toward the end of the season are taking star players and purposely setting them to lackluster seasons, in hopes they can snag them in the upcoming draft, and then set them back to their best season. By limiting changing stats to the first half of the season, the hope is to eliminate this cheap behavior.
It continues to amaze me how some people will try to find any avenue to game the system. I'm not sure how that's actually fun for anyone, but I suppose it is human nature and it's never going to change. So we have to take steps to keep things fair.
As usual, it's the community that alerts to these things, so be sure to let me know when you see bad behavior, and I will do my best to rectify the situation.
Thanks again, and enjoy the holiday!
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