Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo



X-Giants (56-11)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 25 trades
Team park
Trenton NJ
RHB: No Effect
LHB: No Effect
Player OutGames
SP Mordecai Brown4
SP J.R. Richard3
SP Blake Snell2
SP Jacob deGrom1
DayUpcoming Opponent
1/25MetsW 4-0  RBrownCole
1/25HornballsW 6-0  RRichardSmith
1/25HornballsW 4-0  RSnellLundgren
1/24HornballsW 2-0  RdeGromArrieta
1/24@RIOTW 7-0  RFernandezSinger
1/24@RIOTW 7-5  RGagneSchilling
1/23@RIOTW 15-5  RRichardAlexander
1/23SPARKW 4-3  RSorianoRussell
1/23SPARKW 6-2  RdeGromScott
1/22SPARKW 4-3  RBetancesVaughn
1/22@ApocalypseW 13-5  RBrownSantana
1/22@ApocalypseW 7-3  RRichardTiant
1/21@ApocalypseL 11-8  RBenoitSoriano
1/21PelicansW 11-1  RdeGromGuidry
1/20PelicansW 7-0  RFernandezGreinke
1/20PelicansW 3-2  RBetancesDoolittle
1/20@HoundsW 9-1  RRichardKershaw
1/19@HoundsW 1-0  RSnellYoung
1/19@HoundsW 4-2  RdeGromCicotte
1/19@TrojansW 4-0  RFernandezJoss
1/18@TrojansW 3-2  RBrownLeonard
1/18@TrojansL 5-3  RJohnsonRichard
1/18BikersW 3-2  RGagneFord
1/17BikersW 6-1  RdeGromScherzer
1/17BikersW 7-2  RFernandezMcGinnity
1/17@LegendsL 8-4  RLonborgBrown
1/16@LegendsW 15-1  RRichardDinneen
1/16@LegendsW 9-1  RSnellPowell
1/16OaksW 15-0  RdeGromJohnson
1/15OaksL 8-2  RWalshFernandez
1/15OaksW 3-1  RBrownKuo
1/15@MetsW 7-6  RWilliamsPapelbon
1/14@MetsL 6-2  RSeaverSnell
1/14@MetsW 11-4  RdeGromMcLain
1/14@HornballsW 4-2  RFernandezVerlander
1/13@HornballsW 7-4  RBrownMcDowell
1/13@HornballsW 4-3  RRichardThigpen
1/13RIOTW 6-4  REichhornHaren
1/12RIOTW 8-4  RFernandezAdams
1/12RIOTL 1-0  RSingerBrown
1/12@SPARKW 6-4  RRichardOverall
1/11@SPARKW 6-1  RdeGromDrysdale
1/11@SPARKW 10-7  RBetancesVazquez
1/11ApocalypseW 6-3  RBrownHill
1/10ApocalypseW 5-1  RSnellBlue
1/10ApocalypseW 8-6  RRichardSantana
1/10@PelicansW 8-5  RDibbleKoufax
1/9@PelicansW 11-8  RFernandezMathewson
1/9@PelicansW 8-3  RBrownGuidry
1/9HoundsL 4-3  RHunterGagne
See Full Season
Trophy Case
 2069 Division Champs
 2068 League Champs
 2067 Division Champs
 2066 League Champs
 2066 Division Champs
 2064 League Champs
 2064 Division Champs
 2063 Division Champs
 2062 League Champs
 2062 Division Champs
 2061 Division Champs
 2060 League Champs
 2060 Division Champs
 2059 League Champs
 2059 Division Champs
 2058 Division Champs
 2056 Division Champs
 2055 Division Champs
 2054 League Champs
 2054 Division Champs
 2053 Division Champs
 2052 League Champs
 2052 Division Champs
 2049 Division Champs
 2048 Division Champs
 2047 League Champs
 2047 Division Champs
 2038 League Champs
 2038 Division Champs
 2037 Division Champs
 2036 League Champs
 2036 Division Champs
 2035 Division Champs
 2027 Division Champs
 2017 League Champs
 2017 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.