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Roster  |  Lineup  |  Real  |  Compiled

Beaver Stadium

RHB: Mild Disadvantage
LHB: Mild Boost
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Full Schedule
Player OutGames
All Players Healthy
2/17@Trash PandasL 12-3  RVerlanderDuffy
2/16@Trash PandasL 12-5  RGallegosJackson
2/16@Trash PandasW 3-2  RStriplingIglesias
2/16PlanesL 6-0  RGallenBailey
2/15PlanesW 5-4  RTrivinoCastillo
2/15PlanesL 9-1  RKershawDuffy
2/15@BombersW 14-0  RCivalePaddack
2/14@BombersW 7-5  RSanchezBettis
2/14@BombersW 8-7  REovaldiTomlin
2/14KnightsL 13-1  RStromanEickhoff
2/13KnightsL 11-4  RNerisDuffy
2/13KnightsW 5-4  RStriplingRoss
2/13@BullsW 2-1  REovaldiLorenzen
2/12@BullsL 5-0  RPeacockBailey
2/12@BullsL 12-4  RChirinosEickhoff
2/12@YankeesL 5-2  RDarvishDuffy
2/11@YankeesW 6-4  RCivaleFlaherty
2/11@YankeesL 5-0  RMeansVargas
2/11HitmenL 9-2  RMiloneBailey
2/10HitmenW 2-1  RTrivinoHughes
2/10HitmenL 3-1  RGiolitoDuffy
2/10@BluesW 3-0  RCivaleScherzer
2/9@BluesW 5-3  RBaileyBauer
2/9@BluesW 11-7  REickhoffOdorizzi
2/9BrawlersW 7-6  RStriplingGiles
2/8BrawlersW 5-2  RCivaleCole
2/8BrawlersL 5-4  RBuehlerVargas
2/8@OTTERSL 4-2  RWoodruffBailey
2/7@OTTERSL 4-1  RRyuEickhoff
2/7@OTTERSL 6-0  RGlasnowDuffy
2/7GoatsW 5-1  RCivaledeGrom
2/6GoatsW 10-5  RVargasGray
2/6GoatsW 5-3  RBaileyMontas
2/6Trash PandasL 11-3  RFoltynewiczEickhoff
2/5Trash PandasL 6-1  RBieberDuffy
2/5Trash PandasL 5-2  RVerlanderCivale
2/5@PlanesL 3-2  RColomeTrivino
2/4@PlanesL 7-2  RClippardBailey
2/4@PlanesL 7-4  RColomeJackson
2/4BombersL 8-1  RMaedaDuffy
2/3BombersW 4-3  RTrivinoBettis
2/3BombersW 7-2  RVargasThornton
2/3@KnightsW 10-5  RJacksonFried
2/2@KnightsW 1-0  REickhoffStroman
2/2@KnightsL 3-1  RAndersonDuffy
2/2BullsL 3-2  RLorenzenEovaldi
2/1BullsL 10-5  RStrasburgVargas
2/1BullsL 19-5  RLorenzenStripling
2/1YankeesL 9-5  RPetitEovaldi
1/31YankeesL 10-3  RHaderSanchez
See Full Season
  • Trophy Case
  • 2033 League Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.
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