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Thank you Commish

Thank you Commish

7/30 Griff Announcements 39 0
I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and admiration for the incredible community and dedication you have fostered through Pennant Chase. Your visionary efforts have resulted in an extraordinary platform that has brought joy and excitement not only to baseball enthusiasts like myself but also to fans of basketball and football. It's truly remarkable how you've expanded the fun across multiple sports!

As a member of the Pennant Chase community for the past four years, I can confidently say that my experience has been nothing short of phenomenal. Your creation has become a part of my daily routine, and the passion it ignites in me for sports has only grown stronger over time. The thrill of competition and the camaraderie among fellow sports fans has kept me completely addicted, and I'm sure many others share the same sentiment.

It's evident that you pour your heart and soul into maintaining and enhancing this exceptional platform. The dedication and hard work you put into making it a seamless and enjoyable experience for all of us are commendable. Your continuous efforts have brought together a diverse group of individuals who share a common love for sports, fostering a sense of belonging and a friendly competitive spirit that is unparalleled.

I genuinely believe that you do not receive enough credit for the remarkable job you do. So, on behalf of all the members of this thriving community, I want to extend a big thank you for your incredible work and the positive impact it has had on our lives. Your creation has brought countless hours of joy, entertainment, and camaraderie, and it's something we deeply cherish.

Please know that your dedication and passion have not gone unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for everything you do. The community you've built here is a testament to your brilliance as a creator and your ability to bring people together through the love of sports. We couldn't have asked for a better platform, and we eagerly look forward to what the future holds for Pennant Chase under your guidance.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep up the amazing work, and may your passion for sports and community-building continue to inspire us all.

With utmost appreciation and admiration,


Re: Thank you Commish

7/30 gbacci Announcements 29 0
Griff, thanks for taking the time to express all that gratitude. You'll never know how much that keeps me going. I know the site can't be everything everyone wants it to be all the time, but I also can't think of another multi-player sports sim that uses real stats that is totally free. And even though I've had my days where I wonder why I put myself through running a site like this, there are far more days where I get awesome messages like this and it makes the effort more than worth it.

PC has been around long enough now that people have passed away playing this site. I've gotten several emails from folks who said, "Your site brought my family member joy in his final days." That blows me away and brings me to tears. I've had fathers and sons message and say this brought them closer together. I've had deployed military tell me this site brought them closer to home on a daily basis. It's all so wild and amazing. The good massively outweighs the bad!

So thanks again for the note and all of you who have made this community incredible.

Re: Re: Thank you Commish

This thread by far has been the best I have ever read on this site. Thanks guys.

Re: Thank you Commish

Wow, Griff and Guy, what great Posts!!!!! Guy, I really appreciate all you do!!

Re: Thank you Commish

As a former strat man and micro league, and Tony larussa game player/commissioner! I absolutely love this website and game please keep up the amazing work, this is so great!!!!!

Re: Thank you Commish

So, I just read Guy’s response to Griff and I’m trying not to get emotional because I’m at work. And I’m not having much success.

Reading such heartfelt and emotionally genuine words about something as silly and trivial as a baseball simulation site is all the evidence you need that it’s not silly or trivial at all.

I’m a Special Needs parent, as I’ve mentioned a few times in previous posts. That’s my cross to bear, and I embrace it. But when my nerves are frayed, and my patience is spent, and I feel like my marriage is hanging on by a thread, I know that if I can steal a few minutes to check a supplementary draft, or update my slumpbusters, or try to beat Chaad to a non-keeper draft, then everything becomes a little more bearable. A little more peaceful. I always knew this to be true, but hearing Griff and Guy’s words really brought the feelings to the surface. Now I’m sitting at my desk pretending I’m having an allergy attack because I don’t want anyone to know that fantasy baseball made me cry.

Thank you Guy, but thank you everyone else, too. PC seems to be made of some pretty quality dudes.

Re: Re: Thank you Commish

3/24 jamin Announcements 7 0
Wow guy -- what an amazing game you've created, and what an amazing community this site has fostered. I can't agree with Reebe more -- hard to imagine tearing up from fantasy sports. Thank you all so much!!!

Re: Thank you Commish

I agree. It's a refuge away from the stresses of life. I've been here for 10+ years and love every minute of it. Thanks Guy for creating it and keeping it going!

Re: Re: Thank you Commish

Reading this thread really got to me so I guess I'll throw in my 2 cents.

I have a not fun job being adjacent to a lot of emotional things and sports was always my go-to zone out. Baseball especially, with the sheer volume of games and daily happenings, transactions can get lost in the high stakes/zero consequences of it all...then comes Pennant Chase...a baseball league with NO OFFSEASON! (other than waiting for slots to fill!)

Guy has given us more hours of entertainment and enjoyment than he could ever imagine....As I get older, and the legends I grew up watching or meeting at card shows leave us...I always have the same first thought....They get to live and play on in Pennant Chase...Guy put the corn field in our pocket all!! What is cooler than that??


Re: Re: Thank you Commish

5/17 bkk Announcements 1 0
Tough ending to what was a great LCS for all four teams.

Re: Thank you Commish

Spaniels, I am curious, was the SS marked as a defensive replacement? I guess also the PH would have had to be marked as eligible to be replaced.

It's a fair point - the CPU manager is not great without the right tagging, but this could be some logic worth exploring adding.

Re: Thank you Commish

Great thoughts. I only one short comment to add, because all my site family has made great comments.
I'm one of the oldest members on site. Been doing fantasy sports since the Dead Sea in the Middle East was just sick. This by far is the best run site on the net.
I donate every month and if you love this site like I do and have not yet, please considered doing so. With a small donation will help keep this site on top and help Guy add more great options.
Just my 2 cents.

Re: Thank you Commish

I forgot, it sounds like game was still tied, so the DR wouldn't have been in effect anyway since it's not a "protect the lead" situation.

This is kind of a hard one... if you're in a tie game late, do you want the offensive PH to stay in if he can play the position or not? You could argue either side of it. I could understand why at SS you may want the defensive player, but it can get gray depending on how big the difference is between the players. If you have some slugging pinch hitter who can play the pos as a secondary you may want that hitter's bat in extra innings.