Auto Leagues use No Drop, which means you cannot drop players who are on the No Drop list. You also must include a No Drop player if you wish to trade for another No Drop player
List of No Drop Players
This list is designed to keep leagues fair by preventing teams from colluding with other teams and dropping good players that other teams could scoop up.
C Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem (Royals)
SF Barkley, Charles (RipTides 1)
PG Billups, Chauncey (Buckets)
SF Bird, Larry (Royals)
SG Bryant, Kobe (Yellow)
PG Curry, Stephen (Superscrubs)
PF Duncan, Tim (Tigers)
SF Durant, Kevin (Menjai)
PF Garnett, Kevin (Superscrubs)
SG Harden, James (Buckets)
SF James, LeBron (ATOMICS)
PG Johnson, Magic (Bulls)
C Jokic, Nikola (Burners)
SG Jordan, Michael (Tigers)
C Malone, Moses (Buckets)
PF Malone, Karl (ATOMICS)
C McAdoo, Bob (ATOMICS)
SG McGrady, Tracy (RipTides 1)
PF Nowitzki, Dirk (Buckets)
C O'Neal, Shaquille (Yellow)
C Olajuwon, Hakeem (Tigers)
PG Paul, Chris (Burners)
C Robinson, David (Bulls)
PG Stockton, John (LaRoxk)