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(80-64)     0 of 0 trades
GWHIT70 (2/19/2025)
Roster  |  Lineup  |  Real  |  Compiled

The Trop

RHB: Big Boost
LHB: No Effect
DayUpcoming Opponent
145@FillAs (80-64)
146@FillAs (80-64)
147@FillAs (80-64)
148@Is Hard (80-64)
149@Is Hard (80-64)
Full Schedule
2/19PiratesL 5-3  REllisAndujar
2/18PiratesW 5-3  RFlahertyLaw
2/18PiratesW 2-1  RMillerBibby
2/18@CLEW 7-0  RCarpenterFeller
2/17@CLEW 5-4  RBrazleKluber
2/17@CLEW 6-1  RAndujarBearden
2/17YordaNGs 1264L 4-1  RGreinkeGallegos
2/16YordaNGs 1264L 11-6  RRyanMiller
2/16YordaNGs 1264L 3-1  RScottCarpenter
2/16@FillBravesW 5-2  RMillerGlavine
2/15@FillBravesW 8-1  RAndujarSmoltz
2/15@FillBravesW 6-3  RFlahertyReitsma
2/15FillBirdsW 5-1  RMillerDavis
2/14FillBirdsW 6-0  RCarpenterJimenez
2/14FillBirdsW 10-8  RBrazleStewart
2/14IndiansL 11-1  RMcDowellAndujar
2/13IndiansL 7-2  RTiantFlaherty
2/13IndiansL 5-3  RKluberMiller
2/13@FillRedsW 8-2  RCarpenterCastillo
2/12@FillRedsW 2-0  RMillerMahle
2/12@FillRedsW 7-2  RAndujarScherrer
2/12STEELERSW 6-3  RFlahertyDrabek
2/11STEELERSL 9-0  REllisMiller
2/11STEELERSW 8-0  RCarpenterBlanton
2/11@FillJaysL 6-5  RGarvinWebb
2/10@FillJaysL 5-3  RGarvinGallegos
2/10@FillJaysW 6-4  RBairOsuna
2/10Is HardW 5-0  RMillerCingrani
2/9Is HardW 2-1  RBairChapman
2/9Is HardW 7-3  RMillerBrowning
2/9FillAsW 7-1  RAndujarMulder
2/8FillAsW 3-1  RFlahertyZito
2/8FillAsW 4-0  RMillerBassitt
2/7@PiratesW 2-0  RCarpenterBriles
2/7@PiratesL 7-5  RJacksonWainwright
2/7@PiratesL 11-8  RLawAndujar
2/6CLEL 6-3  RWynnFlaherty
2/6CLEL 4-3  RGarciaMiller
2/6CLEW 4-1  RCarpenterLemon
2/5@YordaNGs 1264L 3-0  RRyanHaddix
2/5@YordaNGs 1264L 4-1  RVerlanderAndujar
2/5@YordaNGs 1264L 5-3  RScottFlaherty
2/4FillBravesW 9-1  RMillerMorton
2/4FillBravesW 4-0  RCarpenterGlavine
2/4FillBravesW 4-3  RBrazleSmoltz
2/3@FillBirdsL 8-4  RChenAndujar
2/3@FillBirdsW 7-3  RFlahertyBoddicker
2/3@FillBirdsW 4-2  RMillerDavis
2/2@IndiansW 5-4  RCarpenterCarrasco
2/2@IndiansW 11-3  RBrazleSiebert
See Full Season
  • Trophy Case
  • 2 League Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.
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