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Re: Adblocker

Re: Adblocker

Just signed up for that $8//month gig. I really like it as well.

Re: Re: Adblocker

I'm signed up for NO ADS and I have an AD at the bottom of my page !!!
Not good ☹️☹️☹️ It's a 2" X " banner in the middle/bottom of the page whenever I go to a team page. Now I'm getting a side ad when I go to Commissioners Tools.

Active Donor?
Yes! Until: 8/2/2025
Ad Free! Until: 8/2/2025
League Credits: 1 why donate?

Re: Adblocker

I just tried browsing around with an ad-free account and I don't see anything.... if you're saying you were in Commish Tools, then you definitely were not logged out, which I thought might be a possibility... what device/browser is this happening on?

Re: Re: Adblocker

Chrome/Windows 11, ads were present when I signed in the morning, but went away after a few hours. No problems since. I made no changes or adjustments to Chrome either yesterday or today. Weird........