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Introducing Player Potential for Custom Leagues!

Commissioners have been asking for this feature for a long time, and it's finally here! Players now come with a "potential" attribute. This attribute impacts how a player will progress for leagues that use Player Progression.

For those of you who don't want anything to change, no worries - each player is tagged "Classic" by default, meaning they will progress the same way they always have. (I would recommend for those leagues switching mid-season, you keep any current players as "Classic" so as not to piss off any of your owners!)

Instead of your typical "grade" (A, B, C, etc...) the community has often suggested something far more novel and creative. After considering all the feedback, I've come up with four different grades: S (Superstar), A (All-Star), U (Unpredictable), F (Flat). You can learn more about each type on the Player Potential page.

What I like about this system over a "grade" is that it adds an element of intrigue to every player. Sometimes a prospect is a sure-fire bet, but many times they are unpredictable. Sometimes they are great as rookies, but end up flat through their career (or even get worse). Likewise, they sometimes start out bad and stay that way. With these ratings, you can have all of the above happen. If we had gone with your typical "grade" system, everyone would stay far away from a low-grade player (which is the problem I've always had with the games that use that system). Dare I say we may have a more innovative system than the multi-million dollar video games out there? I expect they'll be copying us soon!

At the same time, if you want to run your league where every prospect continues to shine, you can use Classic or set everyone as A or S. If you want to run a league where everyone is equally unpredictable, you can do that too. It's up to you!

A few notes about changes to commish tools:

-Bulk Update now allows you to set potential for all players or all players on a team.

-Quick Create players allows you to choose potential, or have it set randomly per player. The random feature is designed to have fewer Superstars, as you'd expect. But you should always check and make sure your prospects are balancing out as you want.

-The Age Player page allows you to choose the type of potential to use. Obviously the default is to use the Player's Rating, but maybe there's a case where you want to force everyone to be progressed with one style. You can do that!

-Add and Edit player now includes the potential feature.

As always, a feature like this will depend on community feedback, as you have already sent a lot of input over the years that improved the progression feature. As you all gain experience with this new system, we can improve it as we go.


Logged in users can send feedback via the feedback form or make a comment on the public board.