Decades Best Teams (1913)

1913 Season Start 2/15

Teams who were light on pitching, I added team rookies to your teams.
Please adjust accordingly

Trades Open
All-Star Break Game-80 3 Days Rest Granted
Deadline to make a Trade Game-120

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Latest Results
4/7/2024White Sox 1917 @ Senators ..Watch  Box
4/7/2024Cardinals 1919 @ Cubs 1915Watch  Box
4/7/2024Reds 1917 @ Dodgers 1915Watch  Box
4/7/2024Browns 1915 @ Indians 1912Watch  Box
4/7/2024Athletics 1914 @ Tigers 19..Watch  Box
4/7/2024Braves 1914 @ Phillies 191..Watch  Box
4/7/2024Pirates 1912 @ Giants 1912Watch  Box
4/7/2024Yankees 1917 @ Red Sox 191..Watch  Box

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Latest Transactions
2/22/2024 Player Dropped
Fred Blanding dropped by Cleveland Indians 1912
2/13/2024 Player Signed
Wally Rehg picked up by St. Louis Cardinals 1919
2/13/2024 Player Dropped
Herman Bronkie dropped by St. Louis Cardinals 1919
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Latest Public Board Post
6/15/20244 Openings in Gus's AYLGusPC13
4 openings in the very unique "All Yankees League". You don't have to like the Yankees to join. I don't like them at all and I'm the Commish!! League is made up of players who played for the Yanks from 1961 to the present, divided up into teams based on who else they played for during their career, plus some of the all-time greats from the past. There are also 2 Yankee teams with players who played exclusively for the Yanks. The Astros, Mets, Angels and Jays are available. No contracts/progressions. New players join the league every time the Yanks make a deal or sign a Free Agent, which happens a lot! A few twists to keep things interesting. Come check it out. Preparing for Season 23 so a great time to join.
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