Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo

Auto League 1354 Favorite Teams

Big game for Freeman lifts FillBraves to victory

Freddie Freeman drove in 4 runs, carrying Atlanta to a 7-2 victory over the Rebels. | Box

Huge night for Sheffield carries Padres to victory

Gary Sheffield was on his game, knocking in 3 runs in San Diego's 5-1 victory over the MarliNGs 1354. Sheffield also had 3 hits in the game. Michael Wacha struckout 9 Miami batters in the contest. | Box

Donaldson outburst not enough to carry FillJays

Josh Donaldson blasted 2 homers, but it wasn't enough to lift the FillJays over the FillBirds. Baltimore won by a score of 6-4. Cal Ripken recorded 5 hits. | Box

Donaldson blasts off, leads FillJays to win

Josh Donaldson blasted 2 homers, lifting the FillJays to a 7-5 win over Baltimore. | Box

Red-hot Bonds can't overcome Blue Jays onslaught

A 4-RBI game from Bobby Bonds couldn't lift the Angels to victory. 87-99-15-21 prevailed by a score of 6-5. | Box

WHO'S HOT - Last 5 Games

V. Guerrero Jr., Blue Jay.. .5004 HR10 RBI
J. Donaldson, FillJays .3894 HR7 RBI
V. Guerrero, Minotaurs .2863 HR8 RBI
F. McGriff, Padres .4712 HR6 RBI
D. Nilsson, Crew .4551 HR6 RBI

WHO'S NOT - Last 5 Games

R. Furcal, FillBraves 0 for 19 (.000)
M. Ellis, FillAs 1 for 20 (.050)
R. Alomar, FillJays 3 for 20 (.150)
J. Soto, Padres 5 for 22 (.227)
S. Marte, MarliNGs 1354 5 for 22 (.227)

Leaders: HR

C. Davis, Rebels 15
V. Guerrero Jr., Blue Jays 11
S. Lezcano, Crew 11
R. Alomar, Rebels 10
B. Anderson, FillBirds 10

Leaders: SO

C. Burnes, Crew 54
N. Ryan, Angels 51
S. Ohtani, Angels 43
J. Santana, MIN 41
A. Manoah, Blue Jays 40

Welcome to the Auto League

Auto Leagues are seasons that last about two months (baseball) or one month (basketball & football). Baseball and Baksetball sim about 2-3 games per day, while Football sims one game per day. Since this league is run with essentially no commissioner, there is a trade limit. Please be reasonable with your transactions, and report any bad owners using the feedback form.

League Status:
Season underway. Next sim around 7/27/2024 5:04 AM PT.

Draft Type:
Quick Draft

Owners Joined:
12 of 12
You can draft your team as soon as you sign up! You will select four years from your favorite team and pick your roster. (The Draft link appears on the league homepage and your team page when you are signed in.)

You can have up to 35 players on your roster, with 10 players in the minors. Any players you don't pick could become free agents.

Supplemental Draft
Once the season begins, you can start ranking players for the supplemental draft, which takes place after Game 3. Free agency will open after the Supplemental Draft runs on Day 4. Please be sure to read the League Rules for further details!
This is NOT a keeper league, so once your team's season is over, you can stay in this league and re-draft next season, or quit and join a new Auto League.
When do games start?
After all teams have an owner and have drafted, the games will begin. You will get an email after the first game notifying you that the league has started.

What time are games played?
Barring any issues with the servers, games are auto-simmed 2 or 3 times a day, starting as early as 1:00am and ending as late as 11:00pm Pacific Time. Users can sim games from the My League List page every eight hours. This allows the league to keep moving if the server has issues or the participants in the league want to move the season along slightly faster than the auto sims allow. There will always be at least eight hours between games so managers can react if desired.

Can I customize my team?
Yes! You can change your team name, logo, and more via the "Owner Console" on your "My Team" page before the season begins and up until the 5th game of the season.

World Series and post-season
Division winners and three wild card reach the post-season. Owners can leave the league once their team is elimnated, or wait until the playoffs are over and re-draft the next season.

I'm always eager to here what you enjoy or think can be improved with the site, so stay in touch via the feedback form and follow site updates on the news & notes page.

League Chat


League Settings

Note, in Auto Leagues, some of these will change once the season starts, and as the season progresses.
Year Range of Stats1965 - 2023
Roster Size (Majors)26
Roster Size (Minors)15
Change Stats Allowed
Free Agency
No-Drop List
Player Fatigue
Batter Injuries (5 games max)
Pitcher Injuries (15 games max)
Use Pitcher's HR Allowed Stats
Allows Max Surprise Bunts
Min Batters Pitcher Must Face0
Slump Buster (3unlimited days)
On FireUses WAR
User Sims (every 8 hours)
Latest Results
7/26/2024Rebels @ FillBravesWatch  Box
7/26/2024MarliNGs 1354 @ PadresWatch  Box
7/26/2024Minotaurs @ FillAsWatch  Box
7/26/2024Crew @ MINWatch  Box
7/26/2024Blue Jays @ AngelsWatch  Box
7/26/2024FillJays @ FillBirdsWatch  Box
Previous Games
7/26/2024FillJays @ FillBirdsWatch  Box
7/26/2024Minotaurs @ FillAsWatch  Box
7/26/2024MarliNGs 1354 @ PadresWatch  Box
7/26/2024Crew @ MINWatch  Box
7/26/2024Blue Jays @ AngelsWatch  Box
7/26/2024Rebels @ FillBravesWatch  Box

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Latest Transactions
7/25/2024 Automatic Day Off Granted
7/23/2024 Automatic Day Off Granted
7/22/2024 Automatic Day Off Granted
Transaction Log  |  Trade Block  |  Report Trade


Latest Public Board Post
7/26/2024Opening in Classic RewindGusPC13
Classic Rewind is about to start its 39th successful season, the 2011 season. This is a Real Progression league, with no contracts or budgets. Currently we have the Expos available. Just finished the draft and will be starting in a few days.
Public Board