Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo


Las Vegas

Aviators (55-41)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 25 trades
Team park
The Strip
RHB: No Effect
LHB: No Effect
Player OutGames
SP Randy Johnson4
SP Johan Santana3
SP Mike Scott2
SP Corey Kluber1
DayUpcoming Opponent
2/17@GuerrerosL 3-1  RFernandezJohnson
2/16@GuerrerosL 5-2  RBrownSantana
2/16@GuerrerosW 4-1  RScottAlexander
2/16NinjasL 2-0  RLeonardKluber
2/15NinjasL 3-2  RGuidryFord
2/15NinjasL 10-4  RTudorJohnson
2/15@GraysL 5-0  RHearnSantana
2/14@GraysL 8-6  RBenitezNomo
2/14@GraysW 7-3  RKluberRichard
2/14@FlinstonersW 4-2  RFordCole
2/13@FlinstonersW 6-4  RJohnsonBender
2/13@FlinstonersW 6-1  RSantanaCueto
2/13SeagullsL 7-6  RHernandezScott
2/12SeagullsW 3-1  RKluberdeGrom
2/12SeagullsW 7-3  RFordTiant
2/12@Purple UniverseW 2-1  RKluberMcNally
2/11@Purple UniverseL 5-3  RGagneBrewer
2/11@Purple UniverseW 3-2  RGossageKimbrel
2/11DukesW 9-8  RScottSeaver
2/10DukesW 3-1  RFordKrause
2/10DukesL 6-5  RHorlenKluber
2/10@Coca ColasW 7-3  RJohnsonHill
2/9@Coca ColasW 10-4  RSantanaHendrix
2/9@Coca ColasW 6-4  RStreetJansen
2/9Colt .45sW 10-9  RNomoGreinke
2/8Colt .45sW 8-2  RKluberVerlander
2/8Colt .45sW 6-5  RNenWagner
2/8CowsL 6-4  RAdamsSantana
2/7CowsL 6-4  RKuoScott
2/7CowsW 7-0  RFordMathewson
2/7@AcesL 2-1  RKershawKluber
2/6@AcesW 11-5  RStreetBlue
2/6@AcesW 8-2  RSantanaNelson
2/6GuerrerosL 2-0  RAlexanderScott
2/5GuerrerosW 3-2  RFordBautista
2/5GuerrerosW 4-0  RKluberArrieta
2/5@NinjasL 5-4  RTudorJohnson
2/4@NinjasW 9-3  RSantanaReulbach
2/4@NinjasL 7-5  RGuidryScott
2/4GraysL 9-8  RGregersonGossage
2/3GraysW 5-2  RKluberRichard
2/3GraysW 7-5  RGossageBoxberger
2/3FlinstonersW 7-5  RGossageBailey
2/2FlinstonersW 4-2  RScottHunter
2/2FlinstonersW 4-3  RFordDavis
2/2@SeagullsL 4-3  RFelizNen
2/1@SeagullsW 8-5  RGossageSoria
2/1@SeagullsW 11-3  RSantanaCicotte
2/1Purple UniverseW 8-5  RStreetSutton
1/31Purple UniverseL 5-4  RKimbrelFord
See Full Season
Trophy Case
 2034 Division Champs
 2032 Division Champs
 2026 Division Champs
 2024 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.