Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo


Chester Springs

Menjai (58-18)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 25 trades
Team park
Menjai Stadium
RHB: Big Disadvantage
LHB: Big Boost
DayUpcoming Opponent
2/13HilltoppersW 3-2  RLeonarddeGrom
2/13@CubsW 14-6  RHearnBender
2/12@CubsW 7-1  RFernandezKershaw
2/12@CubsL 3-1  RAlexanderSnell
2/12GemsW 7-1  RBrownSutton
2/11GemsW 6-2  RLeonardArrieta
2/11GemsW 6-5  RMessersmithStreet
2/11@Space SprocketsW 9-4  RMcDowellJohnson
2/10@Space SprocketsW 6-2  RSnellFord
2/10@Space SprocketsW 8-3  RBrownKluber
2/10@WallopersW 5-3  RLeonardSale
2/9@WallopersW 11-5  RHardenCueto
2/9@WallopersW 6-4  RFernandezMcLain
2/9Lost boysL 8-7  RClippardValverde
2/8Lost boysL 6-5  RKoufaxMessersmith
2/8Lost boysW 3-1  RLeonardVerlander
2/8@Black SoxW 10-1  RHearnCaldwell
2/7@Black SoxW 8-2  RFernandezYoung
2/7@Black SoxL 4-2  RWaddellSnell
2/7MonarchsW 9-8  RHardenNen
2/6MonarchsW 4-0  RLeonardRichard
2/6MonarchsW 2-1  RHearnLundgren
2/6@IdiotsW 8-6  RFernandezPfiester
2/5@IdiotsW 6-5  RLaRocheMarichal
2/5@IdiotsL 6-4  RBlueBrown
2/5@StallionsL 7-4  RScherzerLeonard
2/4@StallionsW 3-0  RHearnHill
2/4@StallionsW 3-2  RFernandezChesbro
2/4FireballW 11-2  RSnellAdams
2/3FireballW 9-8  RBrewerChapman
2/3FireballW 4-3  RLeonardMcNally
2/3@HilltoppersW 1-0  RHearnGuidry
2/2@HilltoppersW 5-4  RFernandezScott
2/2@HilltoppersW 4-0  RSnellGreinke
2/2CubsW 6-1  RBrownJohnson
2/1CubsW 4-1  RLeonardKershaw
2/1CubsW 7-3  RHearnBender
2/1@GemsW 7-4  RValverdeKuo
1/31@GemsW 5-1  RSnellCicotte
1/31@GemsW 5-3  RBrownSutton
1/30Space SprocketsL 2-1  RMartinezLeonard
1/30Space SprocketsL 7-2  RJossHearn
1/30Space SprocketsW 9-4  RFernandezJohnson
1/29WallopersW 4-2  RSnellCole
1/29WallopersL 2-1  RGibsonBrown
1/29WallopersL 7-4  RSaleLeonard
1/28@Lost boysW 7-2  RHearnFernandez
1/28@Lost boysW 9-8  RBautistaPagan
1/28@Lost boysW 5-4  RSnellNelson
1/27Black SoxW 6-4  RBrownWhite
See Full Season
Trophy Case
 2046 League Champs
 2046 Division Champs
 2043 League Champs
 2043 Division Champs
 2042 Division Champs
 2040 Division Champs
 2039 Division Champs
 2036 Division Champs
 2035 Division Champs
 2033 League Champs
 2033 Division Champs
 2032 League Champs
 2032 Division Champs
 2031 Division Champs
 2030 Division Champs
 2029 Division Champs
 2026 Division Champs
 2025 League Champs
 2025 Division Champs
 2024 League Champs
 2023 League Champs
 2023 Division Champs
 2021 Division Champs
 2018 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.