Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo



PIONEERS (79-61)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 0 trades
Team park
Pioneer Field
RHB: Mild Boost
LHB: Mild Boost
DayUpcoming Opponent
9/18LadyfingersW 7-4  RSpahnAlexander
9/18LadyfingersL 10-7  RWilliamsCarpenter
9/18@TigersL 2-0  RMartinezYoung
9/17@TigersL 3-2  RCicotteKershaw
9/17@TigersL 5-2  RBrownSantana
9/17RIVER SHARKSW 11-5  RSpahnHernandez
9/16RIVER SHARKSL 11-3  RDrysdaleCarpenter
9/16RIVER SHARKSW 4-2  RYoungArrieta
9/16@Chili DodgersW 5-3  RKershawGibson
9/15@Chili DodgersW 5-4  RSantanaMarichal
9/15@Chili DodgersL 7-2  RJossSpahn
9/15CreepsL 5-2  RNewcombeCarpenter
9/14CreepsW 11-1  RYoungTudor
9/14CreepsL 7-2  RFordKershaw
9/14@Killer KittiesW 7-2  RSantanaSheets
9/13@Killer KittiesL 3-0  ROverallSpahn
9/13@Killer KittiesL 7-1  RTananaCarpenter
9/13FerriesW 6-0  RYoungMaddux
9/12FerriesW 8-6  RKershawJohnson
9/12FerriesL 7-3  RLincecumSantana
9/12@CubsL 8-5  RFelizSpahn
9/11@CubsL 7-3  RNewhouserCarpenter
9/11@CubsW 2-0  RYoungSparks
9/11QuakesL 7-5  RKluberKershaw
9/10QuakesL 7-5  RBlueSantana
9/10QuakesW 4-3  RSpahnScott
9/9@DogsW 6-5  RCarpenterHendricks
9/9@DogsL 5-4  RNathanYoung
9/9@DogsW 3-2  RKershawScherzer
9/8NineW 5-3  RSantanaRichard
9/8NineW 8-5  RCarpenterdeGrom
9/8NineW 9-8  ROhSoria
9/7@LadyfingersW 3-1  RKershawJohnson
9/7@LadyfingersW 2-1  RSantanaAlexander
9/7@LadyfingersW 6-1  RSpahnKrause
9/6TigersW 5-3  RCarpenterCicotte
9/6TigersW 4-3  RGagneGiles
9/5TigersW 6-0  RKershawCole
9/5@RIVER SHARKSW 3-2  RSantanaLeonard
9/5@RIVER SHARKSW 15-4  RSpahnHernandez
9/4@RIVER SHARKSL 10-1  RDrysdaleCarpenter
9/4Chili DodgersW 5-4  RGagneDoolittle
9/4Chili DodgersL 13-4  RKoufaxKershaw
9/3Chili DodgersW 4-3  RSantanaGibson
9/3@CreepsL 6-5  RHahnDiaz
9/3@CreepsL 7-6  RBelisleGagne
9/2@CreepsW 9-3  RYoungNewcombe
9/2Killer KittiesW 6-2  RKershawNelson
9/1Killer KittiesW 4-2  RSantanaTiant
9/1Killer KittiesW 8-4  RSpahnSheets
See Full Season
Trophy Case
 2068 Division Champs
 2065 League Champs
 2052 Division Champs
 2049 Division Champs
 2048 Division Champs
 2042 Division Champs
 2041 League Champs
 2041 Division Champs
 2040 League Champs
 2040 Division Champs
 2039 Division Champs
 2038 League Champs
 2038 Division Champs
 2037 Division Champs
 2021 Division Champs
 2020 League Champs
 2020 Division Champs
 2019 League Champs
 2019 Division Champs
 2017 League Champs
 2012 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.