Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo



Pumpkins (0-0)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 0 trades
Team park
Siamese Park
RHB: Big Boost
LHB: Mild Disadvantage
Player OutGames
All Players Healthy
Expiring Contracts$Next Season
1B J.Bagwell $20Return to draft
SS R.Ordonez $3Return to draft
Signed Next Season$Yrs(+)
SP A.Leiter $91
1B M.McGwire $171
Budget $55 | Spent $26 | Remains $29
No Games Played Yet
Trophy Case
 2071 League Champs
 2071 Division Champs
 2070 League Champs
 2070 Division Champs
 2069 Division Champs
 2061 League Champs
 2058 League Champs
 2054 Division Champs
 2044 Division Champs
 2043 League Champs
 2043 Division Champs
 2041 Division Champs
 2039 Division Champs
 2025 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.