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Chicago White Sox Team Roster

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C(1B)Hall, Toby $$ >>212004R6296119.259.322.429.751.24037841982501365302550.992-+2.051116C
C(DH)Varitek, Jason $$ >>252000S322174139.274.382.537.919.300464671274212676757561.992-+0.782149C
1B(DH)Howard, Ryan $$ >>192006L878146159.325.438.5801.018.3605911071922614115111017890.991-+0.0522556C
1B(DH)Oliver, Al $ >>331982L768712160.348.422.6051.027.34064010122358234127784145.986--1.721783C
2B(IF)Hudson, Orlando $$ >>222004S17695135.277.357.472.829.280494751373771561579447.984-+2.915128C
2B(IF)Vidro, Jose $$ >>222002S504762152.320.391.525.916.31060910719547324100686432.986-+0.7721218C
3B(IF)Ramirez, Aramis $$ >>242001R354232158.312.374.608.982.2906139219150044125539185.945-+0.6821642C
SS(IF)Garciaparra, Nomar $$ >>251997R717378153.328.386.6931.079.3007071402325819541166175644.971-+2.1982020C
SS(IF)Rodriguez, Alex $$ >>291996R10010081146.376.455.7691.224.370619156233726531438582425.977-+1.9172112C
OF(OF)Butler, Brett $$ >>271995L626620129.326.418.531.949.34053390174331416578436045.993--1.6591412C
OF(OF)Rios, Alex $$ >>212004R201474111.301.364.444.808.2804356213130104344174224.991-+0.848105C
OF(OF)Davanon, Jeff $$ >>232003S847662123.311.425.6511.076.3403446610724627576744130.983-+0.888166C
OF(OF)Everett, Carl $$ >>261998S706863133.324.402.6201.022.3204878515845927926085321.987-+0.767168C
OF(OF)Mieske, Matt $$ >>281996R838160127.328.404.6991.103.320402621323833591495321.996-+0.183197C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | eOBP = Estimated OBP | A = Arm | dW = dWAR | SP = Speed | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | EN = Endurance | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

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SPPark, Chan Ho $$ >>261997R951483.38.223.3000.876.51.38.6205149243019620412324C
SPBonderman, Jeremy $$ >>232003R766195.56.231.3100.927.21.16.51791432321130001210521C
SPBatista, Miguel $$ >>232002R72894.29.233.3100.937.60.89.3204172121721010910721C
SPSwindell, Greg $ >>291992L701282.70.230.3100.917.60.66.7250210141718550315327C
SPRozema, Dave $ >>331978R599123.14.236.3200.947.70.73.2245210172088110316019C
RPCarrasco, Hector $$ >>291994R96562.24.163.2400.614.01.47.49442315770634325C
RPNaulty, Dan $$ >>271996R97323.79.174.2600.664.31.610.390435161030423826C
RPTavarez, Julian $$ >>281995R761022.44.195.2800.755.61.18.3122767151120034726C
RPDibble, Rob $$ >>301990R65831.74.216.3000.856.11.511.21198132014801133225C
RPLowe, Derek $$ >>222000R53442.56.217.3000.867.10.611.3107856713405513122C
SPOsborne, Donovan $ >>341993L351073.76.259.3401.
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Minor Leagues
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OF(OF)Finley, Steve $$ >>261995L50595139.326.406.548.954.320586118191321324577644350.977--1.6291531C
OF(OF)Vander Wal, John $$ >>212003L313524117.283.391.572.963.31033958963012249599711.984--0.492146C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | eOBP = Estimated OBP | A = Arm | dW = dWAR | SP = Speed | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | EN = Endurance | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

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RPWunsch, Kelly $$ >>222000L43632.93.239.3200.996.42.49.57050419740102822C
SPRobinson, Don $ >>291990R451074.57.245.3200.998.00.96.3194173181913640214325C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Roster Size:
  • 25 out of 25 in majors
  • 4 out of 10 in minors