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Houston Oilers Team Roster

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C(OF)Biggio, Craig >>241989R71327134.257.339.402.741.2804436411421213604964621.989--0.976108C
C(OF)Wathan, John >>311980R565146126.305.377.406.783.320453571381476585042317.984--0.18786C
1B(DH)Balboni, Steve >>281985R31021160.243.309.477.786.2506007414628236885216651.993--1.721383C
2B(DH)Garcia, Damaso >>271982R403585147.310.339.399.738.280597891853235422144554.980-+1.678813C
2B(IF)Wills, Bump >>281980S5543146.263.326.360.686.2705781021523155585171334.984--0.37812C
3B(IF)Wallach, Tim >>301987R374838153.298.347.514.861.2905938917742426123379879.952-+0.2841220C
3B(DH)Coles, Darnell >>241986R81815142.273.337.453.790.280521671423022086458466.939--0.3331110C
SS(DH)Yount, Robin  >>271982R949275156.331.384.578.962.3206351292104612291145463114.969-+1.7871129C
DH(3B)Molitor, Paul >>311987R9510023118.353.438.5661.004.38046511416441516756967245.972--0.418116C
OF(DH)Law, Rudy >>261982L505440121.318.362.438.800.300336551071583322341036.973--0.03986C
OF(DH)Brunansky, Tom >>271987R242837155.259.354.489.843.29053283138222328574104411.990--0.7541325C
OF(1B)Carter, Joe >>261986R384555162.302.339.514.853.280663108200369291213295529.988+-0.14711200C
OF(OF)Washington, Claudell >>341988L404164126.308.345.442.787.2804556214022311642474215.984-+0.28596C
OF(DH)McDowell, Oddibe >>241986L231680154.266.342.427.769.280572105152247184965112133.991-+0.5771022C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | eOBP = Estimated OBP | A = Arm | dW = dWAR | SP = Speed | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | EN = Endurance | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

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SPReuschel, Rick >>361985R811482.27.257.3201.
SPSanderson, Scott >>291985R73563.12.254.3201.
SPSmith, Bryn >>341989R6010112.84.261.3201.
SPMagrane, Joe >>241988L54592.18.267.3301.
SPBankhead, Scott >>251988R44793.07.269.3301.
RPDavis, Mark  >>291989L65431.85.253.3201.
RPLavelle, Gary >>341983L42742.59.253.3201.
RPRobinson, Jeff >>271987R39892.85.274.3401.
RPBedrosian, Steve >>251982R37862.42.274.3401.
RPGott, Jim >>291988R15663.49.272.3401.
SPBarker, Len >>271982R2015113.90.287.3501.
SPMartinez, Dennis >>331988R1915132.72.274.3401.
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Minor Leagues
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SPBlyleven, Bert >>331984R431972.87.272.3401.
SPMoore, Mike >>301989R4819112.61.274.3401.
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Roster Size:
  • 26 out of 26 in majors
  • 2 out of 3 in minors