Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo


New York

Highlanders (90-42)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 0 trades
Team park
Hilltop Park
RHB: No Effect
LHB: No Effect
Player OutGames
SP Greg Maddux4
SP Jacob deGrom3
SP Sam McDowell2
SP Jim Hearn1
DayUpcoming Opponent
Expiring Contracts$Next Season
SP J.deGrom $17Return to draft
OF K.Griffey $9Return to draft
2B C.Utley $5Return to draft
Signed Next Season$Yrs(+)
C B.Dickey $131
Budget $55 | Spent $13 | Remains $42
1/18@FlyersW 4-2  RMadduxRichard
1/18@FlyersW 4-2  RdeGromPagan
1/18@FlyersW 5-1  RMcDowellFernandez
1/17ElephantsW 10-1  RHearnBlue
1/17ElephantsW 5-4  RJohnsonSchilling
1/17ElephantsW 4-2  RGagneKluber
1/16Voo-DooW 5-1  RdeGromOverall
1/16Voo-DooW 6-1  RMcDowellFord
1/16Voo-DooW 9-0  RHearnPrior
1/15@BLUESL 8-7  RGilesJohnson
1/15@BLUESW 5-4  RMadduxSale
1/15@BLUESW 12-1  RdeGromGibson
1/1445’sW 5-2  RMcDowellRyan
1/1445’sL 7-1  RWalshHearn
1/1445’sL 6-1  RMartinezJohnson
1/13@PONY SOLDIERSW 5-3  RGagneRaymond
1/13@PONY SOLDIERSW 9-0  RdeGromBunning
1/13@PONY SOLDIERSW 13-3  RMcDowellSaberhagen
1/12VERMINW 5-2  RHearnMcLain
1/12VERMINL 5-2  RBrownJohnson
1/12VERMINL 8-4  RCappsMaddux
1/11@Mixed BagsW 6-2  RdeGromDarvish
1/11@Mixed BagsW 9-3  RMcDowellNelson
1/10@Mixed BagsW 4-3  RHearnFord
1/10@HORNED TOADSL 8-4  RGreinkeJohnson
1/10@HORNED TOADSW 8-2  RMadduxDavenport
1/9@HORNED TOADSL 2-0  RCicottedeGrom
1/9DucksW 13-7  RDibbleHorlen
1/9DucksL 1-0  RWagnerKuo
1/8DucksW 13-5  RMadduxKershaw
1/8@PandasW 5-1  RdeGromScott
1/8@PandasL 3-2  RFernandezMcDowell
1/7@PandasW 4-0  RHearnReulbach
1/7FlyersL 3-1  RMathewsonJohnson
1/7FlyersW 6-1  RMadduxArrieta
1/6FlyersW 9-6  RdeGromRichard
1/6@ElephantsW 4-0  RMcDowellKoufax
1/6@ElephantsW 9-1  RHearnGuidry
1/5@ElephantsL 8-6  RDiazKuo
1/5@Voo-DooW 4-1  RMadduxSchmidt
1/5@Voo-DooW 13-9  RdeGromOverall
1/4@Voo-DooL 4-2  RFordMcDowell
1/4BLUESW 4-1  RHearnMarichal
1/4BLUESW 7-0  RJohnsonCarpenter
1/3BLUESW 6-2  RMadduxSale
1/3@45’sW 5-4  RDibbleAlexander
1/3@45’sW 6-3  RMcDowellSnell
1/2@45’sL 7-1  RRyanHearn
1/2PONY SOLDIERSW 11-5  RJohnsonCoveleski
1/2PONY SOLDIERSW 8-7  RMcDowellSasaki
1/1PONY SOLDIERSW 9-3  RdeGromHernandez
1/1@VERMINL 19-7  RNathanKuo
1/1@VERMINL 3-2  RBenderMcDowell
12/31@VERMINW 6-1  RHearnCole
12/31Mixed BagsW 7-2  RJohnsonScherzer
12/31Mixed BagsW 7-2  RMadduxNelson
12/30Mixed BagsW 8-7  RKuoFarrell
12/30HORNED TOADSW 6-1  RMcDowellDavenport
12/30HORNED TOADSL 11-8  RMcNallyHearn
12/29HORNED TOADSW 7-3  RGagneGreinke
12/29@DucksL 6-3  RSuttonMaddux
12/29@DucksL 2-0  RKershawdeGrom
12/28@DucksL 11-4  RCuetoMcDowell
12/28PandasW 6-5  RGagneDavis
12/28PandasW 4-3  RTreinenBritton
12/27PandasW 5-3  RMadduxScott
12/27@FlyersW 3-1  RdeGromArrieta
12/27@FlyersW 13-5  RMcDowellSeaver
12/26@FlyersL 10-5  RFernandezHearn
12/26ElephantsW 4-2  RJohnsonBlue
12/26ElephantsW 8-1  RMadduxKluber
12/25ElephantsL 3-2  RKoufaxdeGrom
12/25Voo-DooL 7-5  RFordMcDowell
12/25Voo-DooW 9-5  RHearnJenkins
12/24Voo-DooW 10-3  RJohnsonPrior
12/24@BLUESL 6-3  RGibsonChapman
12/24@BLUESL 6-4  RSutterGagne
12/23@BLUESW 8-6  RTreinenHunter
12/2345’sL 7-1  RWalshHearn
12/2345’sW 5-3  RGagneAlexander
12/2245’sW 5-4  RKuoStreet
12/22@PONY SOLDIERSW 8-0  RdeGromSantana
12/22@PONY SOLDIERSW 2-1  RMcDowellBunning
12/21@PONY SOLDIERSW 2-1  RGagneSasaki
12/21VERMINW 8-0  RJohnsonMcLain
12/20VERMINW 9-5  RMadduxBrown
12/20VERMINW 10-3  RdeGromVerlander
12/20@Mixed BagsW 3-2  RMcDowellFord
12/19@Mixed BagsL 8-5  RFarrellHearn
12/19@Mixed BagsW 19-2  RJohnsonDarvish
12/19@HORNED TOADSL 9-8  RYoungGagne
12/18@HORNED TOADSW 6-4  RdeGromMcNally
12/18@HORNED TOADSL 6-5  RRighettiMcDowell
12/18DucksW 5-4  RDibbleHill
12/17DucksW 1-0  RJohnsonLeonard
12/17DucksW 5-1  RMadduxSutton
12/17@PandasL 3-2  RTiantdeGrom
12/16@PandasW 6-4  RMcDowellDavis
12/16@PandasL 7-3  RReulbachHearn
12/16FlyersW 6-5  RDibbleNen
12/15FlyersL 3-1  RRichardMaddux
12/15FlyersW 5-4  RWilliamsNen
12/15@ElephantsL 8-7  RHoffmanGagne
12/14@ElephantsL 5-2  RGuidryHearn
12/14@ElephantsW 3-0  RJohnsonBlue
12/14@Voo-DooW 8-1  RMadduxOverall
12/13@Voo-DooW 8-2  RdeGromSchmidt
12/13@Voo-DooW 5-3  RWilliamsCharlton
12/13BLUESW 5-1  RHearnCarpenter
12/12BLUESW 4-3  RJohnsonMarichal
12/12BLUESL 7-6  RGilesWilliams
12/12@45’sW 6-3  RdeGromMartinez
12/11@45’sL 7-1  RSingerMcDowell
12/11@45’sL 5-4  RBautistaHearn
12/11PONY SOLDIERSW 10-6  RDibbleSaberhagen
12/10PONY SOLDIERSW 4-3  RMadduxJenks
12/10PONY SOLDIERSW 5-2  RdeGromSantana
12/10@VERMINW 6-1  RMcDowellCole
12/9@VERMINW 12-2  RHearnMcLain
12/9@VERMINW 7-3  RJohnsonBrown
12/9Mixed BagsW 8-6  RMadduxNelson
12/8Mixed BagsL 2-0  RGallegosChapman
12/8Mixed BagsL 2-0  RFordMcDowell
12/8HORNED TOADSW 2-1  RHearnGreinke
12/7HORNED TOADSW 8-4  RGagneDavenport
12/7HORNED TOADSL 3-2  RCicotteMaddux
12/7@DucksW 6-4  RdeGromKershaw
12/6@DucksW 9-2  RTurleyCueto
12/6@DucksL 5-3  RKimbrelTreinen
12/6PandasW 10-4  RJohnsonJoss
12/5PandasL 8-3  RScottMaddux
12/5PandasL 1-0  RTiantdeGrom
Trophy Case
 2066 League Champs
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 2024 League Champs
 2024 Division Champs
 2022 League Champs
 2022 Division Champs
 2021 League Champs
 2021 Division Champs
 2020 Division Champs
 2019 Division Champs
 2018 Division Champs
 2017 League Champs
 2017 Division Champs
 2016 Division Champs
 2015 Division Champs
 2013 Division Champs
 2012 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.