Pennant Chase Free Sim Baseball Leagues Logo



Pandas (77-73)  

Roster | Lineup | Real | Compiled
Schedule | 0 of 0 trades
Team park
Durham Bulls Field
RHB: No Effect
LHB: No Effect
DayUpcoming Opponent
151Mixed Bags
152Mixed Bags
153Mixed Bags
1/24@HORNED TOADSW 10-7  RPapelbonWohlers
1/24@HORNED TOADSW 7-6  RReulbachAdams
1/24@HORNED TOADSL 6-4  RRighettiDavis
1/23DucksL 6-3  RWagnerHader
1/23DucksW 2-0  RScottSutton
1/23DucksL 3-1  RCuetoFernandez
1/22Voo-DooW 6-3  RSorianoPrior
1/22Voo-DooW 7-2  RJossJenkins
1/22Voo-DooW 7-1  RTiantSchmidt
1/21@FlyersL 8-4  RSeaverHader
1/21@FlyersW 4-2  RFernandezFernandez
1/21@FlyersL 4-2  RMathewsonReulbach
1/20ElephantsL 4-0  RSchillingJoss
1/20ElephantsL 4-3  RUeharaTiant
1/20ElephantsL 3-1  RKoufaxScott
1/19@HighlandersL 6-2  RMcDowellReulbach
1/19@HighlandersL 10-5  RHearnJoss
1/19@HighlandersW 5-2  RTiantJohnson
1/18BLUESW 3-2  RScottSale
1/18BLUESL 9-7  RBalfourLundgren
1/18BLUESL 8-3  RGoodenReulbach
1/17@45’sW 3-0  RPapelbonGossage
1/17@45’sL 6-3  RGossageHader
1/17@45’sL 4-3  RStreetBritton
1/16@PONY SOLDIERSW 10-3  RFernandezBunning
1/16@PONY SOLDIERSL 3-2  RSasakiBritton
1/16@PONY SOLDIERSL 8-7  RCoveleskiJoss
1/15VERMINW 4-1  RTiantBrown
1/15VERMINL 9-8  RColeScott
1/15VERMINL 9-4  RVerlanderFernandez
1/14@Mixed BagsW 7-2  RReulbachNelson
1/14@Mixed BagsW 9-5  RJossFord
1/14@Mixed BagsW 3-2  RTiantJohnson
1/13HORNED TOADSW 7-5  RHaderHernandez
1/13HORNED TOADSW 7-6  RLundgrenYoung
1/13HORNED TOADSW 11-6  RHaderMcNally
1/12@DucksL 8-4  RLeonardJoss
1/12@DucksL 9-6  RKershawTiant
1/12@DucksL 9-5  RPercivalSoriano
1/11@Voo-DooW 10-5  RFernandezOverall
1/11@Voo-DooW 10-5  RLundgrenCharlton
1/10@Voo-DooL 7-6  RCharltonSoriano
1/10FlyersL 5-1  RArrietaTiant
1/10FlyersL 3-0  RRichardScott
1/9FlyersL 9-3  RSeaverFernandez
1/9@ElephantsW 3-1  RReulbachGuidry
1/9@ElephantsW 4-3  RJossBlue
1/8@ElephantsL 9-8  RUeharaLundgren
1/8HighlandersL 5-1  RdeGromScott
1/8HighlandersW 3-2  RFernandezMcDowell
See Full Season
Trophy Case
 2066 Division Champs
 2065 League Champs
 2065 Division Champs
 2038 League Champs
 2038 Division Champs
 2029 Division Champs
 2025 Division Champs
 2024 Division Champs
 2022 Division Champs
Note: this list is including awards won by prior owners. To only see awards won by the current team owner, click here.