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Baltimore Bats Team Roster

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C(1B)Freehan, Bill >>261967R483087155.282.392.447.839.3105176614623120747371201.993-+0.552+6.4925C
C(1B)White, Sammy >>261954R3643137.282.311.426.737.230493461392521475215001.979+-0.132+1.2511C
1B(IF)Robinson, Eddie >>301950L363823155.295.395.450.845.310553831631542186853270.990--1.23+2.95200C
2B(IF)Temple, Johnny >>321959R354020149.311.387.430.817.3005981021863568677240214.974--0.515+433C
2B(3B)Herman, Billy >>341943R465226153.330.398.417.815.310585761934122100662604.972--0.312+5.69156C
3B(IF)Perez, Tony >>271969R253338160.294.360.526.886.280629103185312371226313124.937-+0.512+5.883C
3B(SS)Rollins, Rich >>241962R242827159.298.379.428.807.300624961862351696756163.943-+0.163+4.2756C
SS(OF)Kuenn, Harvey >>261956R625960146.332.391.470.861.310591961963271288553439.968-+0.735+4.621C
OF(3B)Lewis, Buddy >>241940L39489148.317.393.443.836.31060010119038106637436115.957+-0.816+3.8528C
OF(1B)Altman, George >>291962L516418147.318.394.511.905.3105347417027522746289519.981+-0.816+3.8913C
OF(OF)Jensen, Jackie >>311958R444819154.286.398.535.933.3205488315731035122996539.981--0.763+4.9200C
OF(OF)Johnson, Bob >>391944R828815144.324.431.528.959.35052510617040817106956742.977+-0.855+6.3717C
OF(OF)Wright, Taffy >>291940L415214147.337.385.448.833.30058179196319588432524.963--0.65+2.5924C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | eOBP = Estimated OBP | A = Arm | dW = dWAR | SP = Speed | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | EN = Endurance | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

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SPSiebert, Sonny >>281965R951682.43.244.3200.986.72.29.1188139144619141386+5.11C
SPAguirre, Hank >>311962L771682.21.256.3301.
SPMerritt, Jim >>241967L631372.53.246.3201.
SPNuxhall, Joe >>351963L401582.61.261.3301.
SPLolich, Mickey >>291969L3819113.14.283.3601.
RPMcDaniel, Lindy >>251960R911242.09.233.3100.946.61.98.111685824105126734+5.94C
RPLinzy, Frank >>271967R62771.51.255.3301.
RPSmith, Frank >>261954R49582.67.260.3401.
RPFunk, Frank >>261961R2011113.31.278.3601.
RPJohnson, Ken >>281961R11664.00.280.3601.
SPLary, Frank >>311961R72393.24.276.3501.
SPJohnson, Connie >>351957R2214113.20.274.3501.
SPMonbouquette, Bill >>271963R1720103.81.271.3401.
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Minor Leagues
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OF(OF)Gonzalez, Tony >>311967L756779149.339.400.472.872.320508741722399594758510.993-+0.276+4.3414C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | eOBP = Estimated OBP | A = Arm | dW = dWAR | SP = Speed | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | EN = Endurance | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

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SPSpahn, Warren >>321953L572372.10.259.3301.
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Roster Size:
  • 26 out of 26 in majors
  • 2 out of 3 in minors