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Raleigh Skyhawks Team Roster

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C(1B)Battey, Earl >>281963R362485147.285.371.476.847.290508641451712684617580.994-+0.412+4.713C
C(1B)Masi, Phil >>311947R443283126.304.377.443.820.29041154125224950472717.989++0.555+3.48C
1B(1B)Camilli, Dolph >>341941L655957149.285.407.556.963.320529921512963412010411543.989--0.154+6.1433C
1B(OF)Fain, Ferris >>301951L939050117.344.451.471.922.37042563146303657802030.987--0.233+4.176C
2B(IF)Bolling, Frank >>271958R10494154.269.332.392.724.250610911642541475545446.985-+1.854+2.4200C
2B(IF)McCoy, Benny >>261941L231653141.271.384.368.752.30051786140127861955003.963-+0.625+3.2114C
3B(IF)Dillinger, Bob >>301948R27411153.321.385.415.800.30064411020734102446534128.955--1.397+2.75156C
3B(1B)Jablonski, Ray >>281954R4164152.296.350.419.769.2706118018133312104494229.926--0.884+2.8479C
SS(IF)Alley, Gene >>261966R211589147.299.336.418.754.250579881732810743278358.979-+2.176+4.0313C
OF(OF)Tolan, Bobby >>241969L222362152.305.348.474.822.2606371041942510219327921526.974-+0.627+4.2918C
OF(OF)Yastrzemski, Carl >>281967L989185161.326.421.6221.043.340579112189314441219169410.978-+1.694+9.9164C
OF(OF)Conigliaro, Tony >>191964R9277111.290.354.530.884.270404691172122452357852.973--1.773+2.915C
OF(OF)Marshall, Willard >>261947L283540155.291.366.528.894.28058710217119636107673023.972++0.044+4.64200C
OF(1B)Henrich, Tommy >>351948L536231146.308.391.554.945.310588138181421425100764242.982+-0.496+5.1721C
OF(OF)Ennis, Del >>251950R395023153.311.372.551.923.2905959218534831126565922.970--0.394+4.65156C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | eOBP = Estimated OBP | A = Arm | dW = dWAR | SP = Speed | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | EN = Endurance | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

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SPPizarro, Juan >>271964L651992.56.254.3301.
SPBahnsen, Stan >>241968R5517122.05.259.3301.
SPTurley, Bob >>271957R511362.71.276.3501.
SPBouton, Jim >>241963R492172.53.269.3401.
SPKaat, Jim >>281966L3925132.75.261.3301.
RPTiefenauer, Bobby >>351964R51463.21.249.3301.
RPSain, Johnny >>371954R39663.16.252.3301.
RPBoozer, John >>251963R29342.93.279.3601.
RPRamos, Pedro >>301965R25552.92.272.3501.
RPPerranoski, Ron >>271963L161631.67.281.3601.
SPLemaster, Denny >>231962L9343.01.285.3601.
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Minor Leagues
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OF(OF)Slaughter, Enos >>331949L828640151.336.418.511.929.3405689219134131396793713.983--0.36+5.8453C
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | eOBP = Estimated OBP | A = Arm | dW = dWAR | SP = Speed | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | EN = Endurance | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

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SPRoberts, Robin >>281954R5323152.97.253.3301.
Footnotes † = All-Star this season | # = Slump Busted this season | $ = Contract ends this season | $$ = Signed for multiple seasons | oOBP = Opponent OBP | eOBP = Estimated OBP | Fire/WAR = On Fire/WAR | P = Potential | Rk = Rank (elite in bold)

Roster Size:
  • 26 out of 26 in majors
  • 2 out of 3 in minors