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Playoffs started stats adding to season

Playoffs started stats adding to season

Why are the playoffs stats adding to the season stats???

Re: Playoffs started stats adding to se

Details help, but I'm assuming this is a custom league. The commissioner needs to Archive Season Stats before playoffs start or they add on as if season is continuing.

Re: Re: Playoffs started stats adding t

By default compiled stats don’t clear. You have to archive and then clear compiled. If you’re using the automated playoff feature I actually don’t think there’s an option to clear compiled. That’s something I could consider adding as an option to the automated system. But same thing applies, after the automated system archives the stats, you could manually clear compiled stats before the playoffs start.

Re: Playoffs started stats adding t

Too late now

Re: Playoffs started stats adding t

Can I reset stats and input stats manually

Re: Re: Playoffs started stats adding t

I already archived

Re: Playoffs started stats adding t

There is no way to manually edit compiled stats, so the only way to get the current playoff stats into the compiled stats now would be for me to write a script to try to do that. Message me directly, we can discuss.