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Opening in MLB 2006
Opening in MLB 2006
MLB 2006 is a Classic Progression League with the option of Stat Changing a player to the current season. The league consists of the original 16 MLB teams and has been in existence since the 1903 season. The open team is the Baltimore Orioles. We are preparing for the Rookie/Free Agent Draft now, so it's the perfect time to join. If you are interested in joining this long running competitive league, message sheikyerboudi or respond to this message.
- The Sheik
- The Sheik
Re: Opening in MLB 2006
MLB 2006 is a Classic Progression League with the option of Stat Changing a player to the current season. The league consists of the original 16 MLB teams and has been in existence since the 1903 season. The open team is the Baltimore Orioles. We are preparing for the Rookie/Free Agent Draft now, so it's the perfect time to join. If you are interested in joining this long running competitive league, message sheikyerboudi or respond to this message.
- The Sheik
- The Sheik