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C potential regression

C potential regression

Just got auto drafted a player that regressed as a C potential. Cherry picked a few other examples in the league and not seeing this elsewhere.

Anyone else ever see this?

Re: C potential regression

Very simple explanation...

He wasn't C when he progressed.

C is not a natural option for players when randomly assigned potential. 'A' replaced 'C' at some point per Gbacci (though I intend to do a deep dive comparison this off season). I have a massive spreadsheet to review F vs A vs C vs F vs S in football right now.

The only reason this player was changed was because a couple people questioned why there were no C level players in that class and I found out that C has been forced into 20 percent of the population in previous seasons.

Re: C potential regression

Thanks Jim. Thought I might have to play the lottery tonight, guess not!
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