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All-Time Japan Greats 1309

All-Time Japan Greats 1309

If you've never played ATG Japan, or if you did but it was years ago, you should give this a try. You now have the ability to change players to other seasons and it's fun to use some of today's Japanese MLB stars with their NBO stats. This League needs 8 to fill and has NO KEEPERS.

I've been helping close out Auto League teams posted on the Boards, how about helping me close this one out ?

Thanks - The Sheik

Re: All-Time Japan Greats 1309

So, i joined the league with the intention of naming my team Tokyo Legends, something I did in a past Japan ATG league. Also won a ring with that team as well

But once I tried to rename the team, I was stopped because that team name was already occupied. Turns out, the team currently using the name "Legends" is the SAME TEAM I had won the aforementioned ring with before lmfao. Even the logo remained intact too lol

Guess I'll have to pick a different name or wait and see if someone else takes the team and changes it lol

Re: Re: All-Time Japan Greats 1309

Auto league 1961 is open.

Re: All-Time Japan Greats 1309

I couldn't tell you how many times that's happened to me skooler !! I've even joined leagues and have been slotted into a team name I abandoned at some time in the past !!

Thanks for joining BTW......

Re: Re: All-Time Japan Greats 1309

This ATG Japan league has only 4 teams also:

Re: All-Time Japan Greats 1309

1309 Full !! (with 4 bots)

Re: Re: All-Time Japan Greats 1309

The bot system has been re-done to keep things moving, such that as long as a league is half-full, it shouldn't take more than a month to get going, and if the league has 8+ owners it shouldn't take more than a couple weeks.

I don't love having half leagues as bots, but this is just where we are at with Auto Leagues. Most people prefer to keep the leagues around and not delete or shrink them. I did make the bots a little smarter about using guys they pick up, so that should help the competition a little bit.

Re: All-Time Japan Greats 1309

That's fine - thanks Guy. I noticed that the MLB Black Baseball Mash teams that I have are filled now too.
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