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Luka for AD and a first?

Luka for AD and a first?

What do you make of this trade? People speculate that Dallas sought out the trade either because of fears of the second apron, injury concerns for Luka before a max contract due after next season, an attempt at rebalancing the team, the GM's relationship with AD, and new ownership meddling.

What do you think?

Re: Luka for AD and a first?

I could understand injury concerns but you get back AD who is injured all the time ? If you look at basketball ref , one of his nicknames is " street clothes " lol

Re: Luka for AD and a first?

Personally I think theres gotta be some behind the scenes we dont know about cause why would they swap a prime entering Luka for only 1 first rounder

Re: Re: Luka for AD and a first?

The Lakers just got an all time great who still is only 25 years old , not even in his prime. They always seem to get the greats , Lebron will be gone soon but Luka has 10 plus years left barring injuries.

Re: Luka for AD and a first?

Wow , he almost made it a whole game without an injury , back to the dl. One of these days I won't be surprised if he go's on the dl with an eyebrow strain lol

Re: Re: Luka for AD and a first?

So frustrating as a life long Mavs fan. Its dredging up buried memories of letting Jason Kidd go for most of his HoF career. Then letting Nash walk away to win 2 MVP's with Phoenix.

Also hilarious(ly sad) when a trade is so bad that insiders immediately assume that Sham's twitter got hacked when he announces the deal. And then the fans start coming up with conspiracy theories to try to justify the deal. My buddies still in the Dallas area think the new ownership group (the Adelsons, casino billionaires) are trying to create leverage with the city/state to get gambling approved in Texas because they want to build a new stadium/hotel/casino, but can't really threaten to move a team when they are successful (so basically a Ted Lasso/Major League scenario). When nothing else makes sense, I guess that does make a kind of sense.

Re: Luka for AD and a first?

2/11 gpsman Hoops Forum 0 0
If you're old enough to remember, the Mavs fleeced the Cavs during the Stepien era, so while I feel for you, Ted helped build your team in the mid-80s. Trading Luka seems like a bad idea.

Re: Re: Luka for AD and a first?

Nice 1st game - 14 in 24 min. Lakers with 6 straight. Wouldn't want to face them in the playoffs.

Re: Luka for AD and a first?

Lakers pulled off one of the biggest heists in NBA history imho. Watch the video of AD'S injury , he wasn't even touched. He's a great player but as the saying go's , one of the best abilities is availability.
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