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Who wants this crap ?

Who wants this crap ?

Dont know about the rest of you but I signed up for a free preview of prime video today so I could watch Steelers vs Ravens.All I get so far is every 5 seconds delay and crap connection. I f you want people to buy it , present it as something people want. If I had to pay for this , i would want my money back. I hjad better connection with my commodore 64 in 1990 !! Wow , now after halftime its every 2 seconds hiccup !!

Re: Who wants this crap ?

*cough* Netflix's technical issues during the Jake Paul Mike Tyson fight *cough*

Re: Who wants this crap ?

I had a Commodore Vic-20 back in the day. Don't think I ever hooked it up to the Internet. That had to wait for my first PC clone. Dialup into a Vax at CSUSB. Fun days. Better connection than Bezos got us for games tho.

Re: Who wants this crap ?

Guess it depends on your internet service. I watched game partly on phone and partly on tv (firestick) and had no issues at all watching the game. Not saying I agree with having playoff games on Prime though.

Re: Who wants this crap ?

I watched it on prime through my Roku tv. Never have issues streaming games on any of them. Tyson fight was a totally different story.

Re: Re: Who wants this crap ?

I watched the series fallout instead and had no troubles. It's free but I hope the nfl stops this cash grab because soon enough you will have to pay for the super bowl.

Re: Who wants this crap ?

I have Prime and stream it through a Roku - never had a problem. Didn't watch the football game though, and definitely didn't watch the Tyson fiasco.

Re: Who wants this crap ?

We pay to go to a game. We pay to stream, or for cable. We pay for internet access. There is ad based viewing and subscription viewing. Short step to ad based subscription viewing. Why shouldn't the NFL ( or MLB, or NBA or NHL) charge for the privilege of watching their game?

Re: Re: Who wants this crap ?

They will Jim. As long as it brings in revenue. They have pretty much priced me out of going to games. I can go see the Royals when they are here in Tampa because no one goes so it is still "cheap".
When in Ct in the summer I go see them in Fenway as they are usually there in the summer but that is a treat.
Used to go to see the Bruins in Boston and here in Tampa. Cant even afford the nose bleed seats in the NHL.
Forget football. Before leaving CT was going to go to the New Met Life to see the Giants and I needed a small loan so fudge that.
The cheapest way now for me is streaming and

Re: Who wants this crap ?

It's harder and harder to talk myself into going out to Dodger Stadium these days. Expensive, and about a 4 hour round trip. It's a lot easier to sit in my living room and watch on SpectrumNet Sports. And for the price of a ticket to almost any MLB game, you can get a package of out-of-market games.

Re: Re: Who wants this crap ?

I became a member of the MLBPA for $25 a year. Gets me a $50 discount on package to watch all out of market games. So I can watch the Royals every night. I know some of you are asking why? Lol. I also get to watch Yankees, Mets, and Redsox home telecasts which I enjoyed for 50+ years living in Ct until 2016.
Also whatever the nightly matchups interest me the most. Worth it for me.
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