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Congrats to Dave Parker

Congrats to Dave Parker

I started watching mlb in 1974 , Dave Parker had all 5 tools. I hope he makes it to the ceremony , saw a video of him he doesn't look healthy ..

Re: Congrats to Dave Parker

The Cobra !! Heck of a player - really benefited at the end of his career from the DH. Had a absolute GUN for an arm !!

Re: Re: Congrats to Dave Parker

He played in Toronto at the end of his career. I have this vague memory that he used to warm up in the on deck circle with a sledge hammer. Does that sound right?

Re: Congrats to Dave Parker

Yes he did! Badass - football player in a baseball players body…

Re: Re: Congrats to Dave Parker

The 79 Pirates may not be the greatest team ever but they were fun to watch , complete with a theme song. We are family.

Re: Congrats to Dave Parker

I was 9 years old for the '79 Series. I knew Ed Ott before I had ever heard the name Mel Ott.
Even though I saw Parker play for other teams, I can't picture him without the cylindrical hat with stars. He's the first player I saw that seemed like such an imposing presence that I couldn't imagine a pitcher throwing a ball past him.
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