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Waiver Claims

Waiver Claims

In the 363 Deadball Era league, the Waiver Claims module is broken. I have tried 3 different times to put players on the Waiver list and have actually added up to 3 players, (after Game 4), and each time when I go back to verify my list, my list is wiped out and the software says that there is nobody on my Waiver list. Please fix ASAP, as this is a crucial time for adding good free agents.

Re: Waiver Claims

Same here in an ATG auto league that started a couple days ago

Re: Re: Waiver Claims

Having the same problem in a Ruthian league that is in day 7 now. I keep adding claims and none are processed - for anyone in the league.
Even more odd, in the Black Baseball Mashup league the 1st waiver claims were processed, but nothing afterwards:

- The Sheik

Re: Waiver Claims

I'm seeing the same issue

Re: Re: Waiver Claims

I am not sure what is causing this, I made a change to the server - let me know if this happens to fix the issue...

Re: Waiver Claims

I was able to add claims and manually run waivers, but doesn't mean this has solved the issue that claims are not running at all. Let me know if anyone is still having issues adding claims.

Re: Re: Waiver Claims

Okay I think the reason claims were not running is because they were deleted - I don't think it's an issue with the claims not running, I think no claims were there to process. I'm still looking into why claims were deleted.

Re: Waiver Claims

I think that's right. I went back in and looked at the waiver claim I put in a few hours ago and it's gone now. I just put it in again so I'll keep checking to see if it goes away again.

Re: Re: Waiver Claims

I had claims processed this morning - we'll see how it goes going forward.

Re: Waiver Claims

Same here, looks like it's fixed for now