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Player league history and rank

Player league history and rank

I notice a player has a very low ranking. When I check out his performance in the league over the past several seasons, he has put up excellent numbers, All are excellent except the most recent season. The most recent season had the player have a huge drop off (full season's worth of at-bats). Is this because of the randomness of the algorithm for the player? Or was the player's performance tweaked by the site owner aft6er noticing the discrepancy? I am wondering whethe ror not to pick this player up.

Re: Player league history and rank

We would need to know the player and league to answer accurately.

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

Auto League 277 Best of 2023
Player - Byron Buxton

The historical stats for him in this league and very good. But, it drops off to a sub .600 OPS.

Curious to know what you think.

Re: Player league history and rank

If it's a best of *insert single year here* league it's because the stats usually progress to the following season once those stats become available. Some rare exceptions exist, but more often than not the vast majority of those leagues typically will make the jump. A good example is most of the 2023 leagues made the jump to 2024 sometime after the 2024 stats became available

The reason for the discrepancy in Buxton's compiled stats specifically is because that league likely jumped to 2023 from 2022's stats sometime during the span of his past seasons

Here's his Baseball Reference page. You can see his stat line definitely dropped off quite a bit in 2023 from 2022

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

When you say "make the jump", do you mean the league changes from a best of year to a best of year+1 , and the stats shift along with it?
So for example, the league I'm in is the best of 2023. So does that mean when I look at the historical stats for the league that some of those stats are going to be from when the league was the best of 2022 and the best of 2021 etc..

Re: Player league history and rank

It might be helpful to know which year's real life stats were being used for each line of historical data. Otherwise it kind of makes the historical info unreliable, in my opinion.
Apologies if I'm off the mark here. I just like to understand things, especially data.

Re: Player league history and rank

I mentioned this in chat as well, but yes, it’s a quirk of the single season leagues. It may change eventually, but for now that’s how those leagues work.

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

Thanks gbacci for the reply.
These sits are awesome though, I have to say .

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

When do you usually make the switch from Best of 2023 to Best of 2024?
I mean, when can I expect that 2023 stats to be switched to the 2024 ones?

Re: Player league history and rank

Best of 2024 is a separate League Type. Go to join league, and when you search for League Type it's on the drop down menu.

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

@sheikyerboudi I don't think that's true in this context--his 2023 league is rolling over into 2024 based on the narrative above.

Re: Player league history and rank

If you go to Join League, Other Leagues and scroll down to 2023, there are 9 leagues available. If you go Join Leagues 2024, there are 14. Maybe I'm wrong (I have 2 ex-wives that would agree), but I believe these are separate formats.

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

@sheikyerboudi Yes, that's true, but 2023 leagues eventually roll into 2024. OP was asking when his would do so, so that he could consider the changes in player stats in his league. Which wouldn't apply if he joined a new league instead.

Re: Player league history and rank

Yeah, most, if not all, of them eventually roll over to the current 20XX season. I remember there being some issues with how keepers were handled in the process. I get waiting for the league to convert - you are at the top of the cue for redraft.

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

Thanks for your input guys. Based on this thread it seems I can expect my Best of 2023 league to roll over to a Best of 2024 someday. When? I don't know.

Re: Player league history and rank

Sorry we couldn't be more helpful. This would be like if you said you had a new car and you asked when you could expect it to hit 50k in mileage. And we told you to that, to get such a car, you had to buy a used car instead. And pointed you to listings for both used and new cars. Good luck! :)

Re: Re: Player league history and rank

Best of Single Seasons leagues Usually convert when they finish the current season ASSUMING the next year's stats are already on PC. That said, sometimes I don't catch a league and people reach out to me and remind me to roll it over. But generally, it rolls over once the final season ends that overlaps the end of the MLB season.

To be more clear: let's say a Best of 2023 league finishes on Dec 1 2024 - that is when it would roll over. If it finished on Sep 29 2024, it would likely remain a Best of 2023 league for another season.

Re: Player league history and rank

Since you mentioned it, can you advance 115, 200, and 478 to 2024?
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