Basketball Football


User Details

Auto League Stats

  • W-L This Year
    6,259 - 3,731 (.627 PCT)
    (#25 of 26946) in Wins
  • W-L All Time
    128,886 - 79,733 (.618 PCT)
    (#21 of 26946) in Wins
  • Playoffs: 995
    (#16 of 26946)
  • Rings: 334
    (#12 of 26946)
  • MVPs: 566 (#2 of 26946)
    CYs: 270 (#15 of 26946)

Custom League Stats

  • No games played yet.

Hoops Playground

* To see awards from other sports, use the toggle on the upper-right corner of this page.

Auto League Trophy Case

America's Team

Best of 2000s

Buffalo Bullwinkles

Ruthian Era

BlueBay Jays

Random Players

Savannah Sand Gnats

Ruthian Era

Boystown Boys of Summer

Best of 1970s

Staten Island Tidal Wave

Best of 1990s

Bulltimore Bullwinkles

Best of 2001

Bulltimore Bullwinkles

Best of 1990s

Albuquerque Wolves

Best of 2023

Mounfs View Marauders

Best of 2023

Bulltimore Bullwinkles

Best of 2023

Washington Co. Wasps

Best of 2023

Bronx Bullwinkles

Ruthian Era

America's Team

Best of 2000s

Gothic City Batsmen

Best of 2023

Staten Island Tidal Wave

Best of 1990s

Bulltimore Bullwinkles

Best of 2023

Mounds View Vikes

Best of 1990s

Bulltimore BullDozers

Random Players

Bulltimore Bullwinkles

Random Players

Royal Hill Lions

Best of 2023

Saint Paul PigSnout

Best of 2010s

Bulltimore Bullwinkles

Ruthian Era

America's Team

Best of 2000s

Gothic City Batsmen

Best of 2022

LA Showtimes

Best of 1990s

Staten Island Tidal Wave

Best of 1990s

Boston Bulldogs

Random Players

Union City Terriers

Best of 1996

Kansas City Monarchs

Random Players

Royal Hill Lions

Best of 2022

Buffalo’ Bullwinkles

Ruthian Era

Saskatachewan RoughRiders

Best of 2022

New York Mets

Best of 2022

New orleans Mustangs


Toronto Blue Jays

Best of 2022

Pensacola Gators

Ruthian Era

Gothic City Batsmen

Best of 2022

Boston Bulldogs

Random Players

LA Showtimes

Best of 1990s

Kansas City Monarchs

Random Players

Boston Bees

Best of 1980s

Royal Hill Lions

Best of 2022

Washington Co. Wasps

Best of 2022

St Paul PigSnouts

Best of 2022

South Dakota Slugging Sloths

Best of 2022

Bloomington Blue Bombers

Best of 2001

Shaggy Parasols

Best of 2000s

MV Vikings


Boston Bulldogs

Random Players

MidCentury Elite


BB Bald Eagles

Best of 2019

Bronx Bluebombers


Duluth Breakers

Best of 2022

St. Louis Browns

Best of 2000s

Jaytown Blue Bombas

Best of 2000s

America's Team

Best of 2000s

Rouge DiSpAtCh

All-Time Greats

MidTown Townies


Old Town Townies

Deadball Era

Boston Bees

Best of 2000s

Royal Hill Lions

Best of 2022

Cabadbaran Kabayos

Best of 2010s

Pig 's Eye PigSnouts

Best of 2000s

Duluth Dragons

Random Players

Oklahoma Yellow Jackets

Ruthian Era

Gothic City Batsmen

Best of 2022

Uniontown Brown

Best of 2022

Mpls Millers


Topeka County Barnstormers


Minneapolis Millers


Royal Hill Lions

Best of 2021

Sandlot Kids

Best of 2000s

Punxsutawney PigSnouts

Best of 1990s

Pig 's Eye PigSnouts

Best of 2000s

Twin Cities Talons


Charlotte Clydesdales

Best of 2021

Boston Bees

Best of 1990s

Minneapolis Millers


Mpls Millers


Bronx Bombers

Ruthian Era

Minneapolis Millers


Toledo Mud Hens

Best of 2000s

NY Micky Mice


Minneapolis Millers


Mounds View Vikings

Random Players

Boston Bees

Best of 2000s

Pig 's Eye PigSnouts

Best of 2000s

Ramsey County Rampage

Best of 2021

Bloomington Blue Bombers

Best of 2001

Minneapolis Millers


Mpls Millers


St. Louis Browns

Best of 2000s

Minneapolis Millers


Birmingham Black Barrons

Best of 2000s

Washington Co. Wasps

Best of 2021

Mounds View Vigilantes

Best of 2000s

Mounds View Victory

Best of 2000s

Baxter Blue Bombers

Best of 2021

Biloxi Jay Bombers

Best of 1990s

Mpls Millers


Homefield Grays

Best of 2019

South Dakota Cyclones

Best of 2015

Philly Elephants

All-Time Greats

America's Team

Best of 2000s

Mounds View Vikings

Random Players

NY Micky Mice


Toledo Mud Hens

Best of 2000s

Twin Cities Talons


Baxter Blue Bombers

Best of 2021

Mounds View Victory

Best of 2000s

Punxsutawney PigSnouts

Best of 1990s

Biloxi Jay Bombers

Best of 1990s

Bronx Bombers

Ruthian Era

Mpls Millers


Apple Valley Apes

Best of 2000s

St. Louis Browns

Best of 2000s

Bronx Brahma Bulls

Random Players

Apollo11 Launch

Best of 1969

Birmingham Black Barrons

Best of 2000s

Toledo Mud Hens

Best of 2000s

Twin Cities Talons


Bronx Bombers

Ruthian Era

Homestead Grays

Best of 2021

Jersey City BJays

Best of 2000s

Mpls Millers



Best of 1990s

Apollo11 Launch

Best of 1969

NY Thundersticks


MV Vikings

Best of 2000s

Ramsey County Rampage

Ruthian Era

Brooklyn Dodgers

Random Players

Mounds View Victory

Best of 2000s

Jersey City BJays

Best of 2000s

Malvern Mashers

Best of 2000s

Louisville Bats

Random Players

Roanoke Renegades

All-Time Greats

Ramsey County Rampage

Ruthian Era

Buffalo Bisons

Random Players


Deadball Era

Mpls Mashers

Best of 1994

Las Vegas Grumpy Old Men

Ruthian Era

Bangor BOLTS

Best of 2020

Brooklyn Robins

Deadball Era

Ramsey County Rampage

Ruthian Era

Mounds View Vigilantes

Best of 2000s

Freetowne FoX

Deadball Era

Crystal Cardinals

Ruthian Era

Mpls Millers


Boston Bees

Best of 1990s

South Side Chicago Fire and Rescue

Best of 2000s

Mounds View Vikings

Best of 2010s

Ramsey County Rocket Dogs

Best of 2019

Mpls Mashers

Best of 1994

Ramsey County Rampage

Best of 2019

Jamestown FoXX

Random Players

Benedictine Monks

Best of 2000s

NY Legends

Ruthian Era

Mounds View Vikings

Random Players

Florida Yellow Jackets

Best of 2000s

Dismal Swamp Gators

Deadball Era

Mounds View Vikings


Thunder Bay Wasps

Best of 1990s

St. Peters Schnoodle Pups


New Pork SwineBallers


Bismark Braves

Deadball Era

Cleveland Cardinals

Best of 1990s

Canada Jay Bombers


Freetown Falcons

Best of 1990s

Stark City Iron Men

Best of 2002

BallCity Blue Jays

Deadball Era

Mounds View Vikes


Midtown Bald Eagles

Best of 2000s

Rossmoyne Gators

Deadball Era

Ellington Eagles


San Francisco Mission Reds

Best of 2000s

Brownsville Cobras

Deadball Era

Cleveland Spiders

Deadball Era



Hoffman Hawks

Best of 2015

Kentucky Thoroughbreds


Lehigh Valley IronPigs

Best of 1990s

Arkansas Naturals 6

Deadball Era

Blue River Blue Jays

Best of 2015

Chicago Athletics

Best of 2015

Arizona Breezios

Best of 2015

Big Red Machine

Best of 1970s


Best of 1980s

Midwestern Batsmen


Boston Bulldogs

Best of 2000s



Wyoming WhompDogs

Best of 1980s

Bakerstomb Bulldogs

Best of 2015

Wyoming Stallions

Deadball Era

Baltimore BlueJays

Best of 2000s

New Orleans Boys

Best of 1990s

Western Springs Vikings

Best of 2015

Sac City Slow Claps

Deadball Era

Mars MM's


Philadelphia Athletics

Ruthian Era

Chicago Athletics

Best of 2015

Wyoming Madmen

Best of 2015

Tri-City Badger Claws

Best of 2015

Western Springs Vikings

Best of 2015

Paper Sluggers

Best of 1980s

Orlando City Lions

Best of 2015

DC Statesmen

Best of 1980s

Cordova League

Best of 2015

Montreal Man Wolves

Best of 2015

Mickey's Mice

Best of 2015

Twin City Barons

Best of 1990s

Scio Stallions4


Louisville Bats

Best of 2013

DC Statesmen

Best of 1980s

Kung Pau Pandas

Best of 2015

Rathbun Dam Busters

Best of 1980s



Kung Pau Pandas

Deadball Era

Pine Stallions3

Best of 1980s

Northern Territory Explorers

Best of 2001

Mars MM's


Wilson's Kings

Best of 1990s

South Patch SixShooters

Deadball Era

Pine Stallions3

Best of 1980s

Black Stallions2

Deadball Era

Black Stallions

Best of 1980s

Chicago Blue Boys

Best of 1990s

Kingston Carnivals

Best of 1970s

The Dangerous Alliance

Best of 1980s

Pawtucket Pandas


DC Statesmen

Best of 1980s

yanktown Yankees


Mars MM's


Indy Black Sox

Deadball Era

Wyoming Senators

Best of 2000s


Best of 2004

Pawtucket Bears


Mars MM's


Pasadena PuddyTats

Best of 1990s

Mn Millers

Best of 1970s

Pittsburgh Pirates

Best of 2000s

New York Highlanders

Best of 1994

Wyoming Senators

Best of 2000s

american Avengers

Best of 1990s

El Paso Diablos

Best of 1990s

Premier League

Best of 2014

Boston TeddyandTheMan


Chicago Chiefs

Best of 2014

Disney Rodents

Best of 1980s

Bicycle AcesHigh2

Best of 2014

Premier League

Best of 2001

St. Paul Peanuts


Slidell Blue Crabs

Ruthian Era

Madison Capitals


The Dangerous Alliance

Best of 1980s

Minnesota Millers2

Best of 1980s

League Legends

Best of 1990s

Cambridge Crush

Best of 1990s

SF Giants

Best of 1969

NYC Mickies


Washington Patriots

Best of 2013

St. Paul Peanuts


Slidell Blue Crabs

Ruthian Era

Chicago Clubbers

Best of 1990s

Premier League2

Best of 1990s

Deadball Deadbeats

Deadball Era

Pawtucket Bears


NYC Mickies


Mars MM Boys


Staten Island Tide

Best of 1990s

NYC Mashers


Baseball Legends

Deadball Era

Boston Sailormen


Peanut's Gang

Ruthian Era

Nashville Legends

Best of 1990s

Taz Mania

Best of 1990s

Aberdeen Ironbirds

Deadball Era

LA Legends

Deadball Era

Premier League

Best of 1990s

Peanut's Gang

Ruthian Era

Middletown Middlemen

Best of 2012

Fredericton Athletics

Ruthian Era

Killer Coyotes

Best of 2012

Third Street Mojo

Best of 1990s

BayCity BlueJays

Best of 1990s

Western Springs WidowMakers

Best of 1990s

League Legends

Deadball Era

Aberdeen Ironbirds

Deadball Era

Saskatoon Legends

Deadball Era

Fredericton Athletics

Ruthian Era

NYC Yankers


Thundering Herd

Ruthian Era

Wenatchee Woodies


Third Street Mojo

Best of 1990s

Daffy Ducks

Best of 2012

Colorado Coyotes

Best of 2000s

Boston Bullheads

Best of 2000s

BayCity BlueJays

Best of 1990s

Tulso Tigers

Best of 1990s

Wenatchee Woodies


RiverCity Rocketdogs

Best of 2000s

USA American Eagles

Best of 2012

TuneTown MadCats

Best of 2000s


Best of 1990s

Wyoming HOFamers


Metropolis Kryptonians

Best of 2000s

Wyoming Widowmakers


Toledo MudHens

Best of 1990s

Wyoming Underdogs


Toontown Mad Ducks


Beagle City Big Dogs

All-Time Greats

Wyoming Widowmakers


Wyoming Wasps

Best of 2000s

Cooperstown Sluggers

Best of 2000s

Toledo MudHens

Best of 1990s

Toledo Mad Ducks

Best of 2000s

Wyoming Underdogs


Mangey Mongrels

All-Time Greats

TuneTown MadCats

Best of 2000s

MN MadDucks

All-Time Greats

Arizona Tazmanians

All-Time Greats

Toledo MudHens

Best of 1990s

Cooperstown HoFamers

All-Time Greats

Mudville MadHens


Barry's Underdogs


Metropolis Kryptonians

All-Time Greats

DET RocketdogTigers

Favorite Teams

Wyoming Rocket Dogs

All-Time Greats

Custom League Trophy Case

No items yet.

Award Winners (All Leagues)

Stan Musial (JayBombers)

MVP - Auto League 577 Mid-Century

Robb Nen (Marauders)

Cy - Auto League 305 Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Marauders)

MVP - Auto League 305 Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Everglow)

MVP - Auto League 466 All-Time Great..

Jacob deGrom (Everglow)

Cy - Auto League 466 All-Time Great..

Reggie Jackson (JayBombers)

MVP - Auto League 535 Best of 1969

Pedro Dibut (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Auto League 1413 Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Auto League 294 Best of 2000s

Dazzy Vance (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Auto League 7 Ruthian Era

Lou Gehrig (Jays)

MVP - Auto League 956 Random Players

Barry Bonds (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Auto League 790 All-Time Great..

Babe Ruth (Sand Gnats)

MVP - Auto League 564 Ruthian Era

Fred Lynn (Boys of Summer)

MVP - Auto League 407 Best of 1970s

Matt Wallner (Batsmen)

MVP - Auto League 538 Best of 2023

Eric Gagne (Irregulars)

Cy - Auto League 403 Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Auto League 536 Best of 2001

Barry Zito (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Auto League 536 Best of 2001

Dennis Eckersley (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Auto League 92 Best of 1990s

Gerrit Cole (Wolves)

Cy - Auto League 1432 Best of 2023

J.R. Richard (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Auto League 461 All-Time Great..

Matt Carpenter (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Auto League 1138 Best of 2022

Davis Schneider (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Auto League 178 Best of 2023

Shohei Ohtani (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Auto League 178 Best of 2023

Gerrit Cole (Wasps)

Cy - Auto League 115 Best of 2023

Shohei Ohtani (Wasps)

MVP - Auto League 115 Best of 2023

Corey Seager (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Auto League 1377 Best of 2023

Sandy Koufax (PigSnouts)

Cy - Auto League 1345 Mid-Century

Willie McCovey (JayBombers)

MVP - Auto League 535 Best of 1969

Sandy Koufax (JayBombers)

Cy - Auto League 577 Mid-Century

Ted Williams (JayBombers)

MVP - Auto League 577 Mid-Century

Lou Gehrig (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Aaron Judge (BullDozers)

MVP - Best of 2023

Rhys Hoskins (Jays)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Babe Ruth (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Willie McCovey (Woodies)

MVP - Mid-Century

Walter Johnson (Mentions)

Cy - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Ghosts)

MVP - Random Players

Pedro Martinez (Team)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Burleigh Grimes (Roadkill)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Babe Ruth (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Jeff Bagwell (Tidal Wave)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Best of 2001

Pedro Martinez (Right Hands)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (Vikes)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Lou Gehrig (Dodgers)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Luis Tiant (JayBombas)

Cy - Mid-Century

Ken Williams (Valkyrie)

MVP - Random Players

Rico Petrocelli (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Best of 1969

Steve Carlton (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Best of 1969

Barry Bonds (BullDozers)

MVP - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Random Players

Davis Schneider (Lions)

MVP - Best of 2023

Babe Ruth (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Rhys Hoskins (Jays)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Dylan Cease (Marauders)

Cy - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Marauders)

MVP - Best of 2022

Mike Trout (PigSnout)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (Shrimpers)

MVP - Best of 2022

Pedro Martinez (Bullwinkles)

Cy - Best of 2001

Barry Bonds (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Best of 2001

Rafael Devers (Batsmen)

MVP - Best of 2022

Justin Verlander (Batsmen)

Cy - Best of 2022

Larry Walker (Showtimes)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (Tidal Wave)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mark McGwire (Aardvarks)

MVP - Random Players

Clayton Kershaw (Bulldogs)

Cy - Random Players

Luke Voit (Gorillas)

MVP - Best of 2018

Mariano Rivera (Terriers)

Cy - Best of 1996

Sandy Koufax (Spitfires)

Cy - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (Spitfires)

MVP - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Monarchs)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Vikings)

MVP - Best of 2000

Babe Ruth (Island Foxes)

MVP - Random Players

Matt Carpenter (Lions)

MVP - Best of 2022

Ted Williams (BlueBombers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Coconuts)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 2022

Edwin Diaz (PigSnouts)

Cy - Best of 2022

Corbin Burnes (RoughRiders)

Cy - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Mets)

MVP - Best of 2022

Barry Bonds (Mustangs)

MVP - 1970-Present

Matt Carpenter (Rampage)

MVP - Best of 2022

Evan Phillips (Rampage)

Cy - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Blue Jays)

MVP - Best of 2022

Juan Soto (HORNETS)

MVP - 1970-Present

Lou Gehrig (Bullshooters)

MVP - Random Players

Mike Trout (Boys of Summer)

MVP - Best of 2021

Jacob deGrom (Boys of Summer)

Cy - Best of 2021

Babe Ruth (Gators)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (COUGARS)

MVP - Best of 2022

Ted Williams (Dogs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (Vikings)

MVP - Mid-Century

Larry Walker (Showtimes)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mike Jackson (Showtimes)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Babe Ruth (Bulldogs)

MVP - Random Players

Sandy Koufax (Bulldogs)

Cy - Random Players

Mike Gonzalez (Monarchs)

Cy - Random Players

Mickey Mantle (Monarchs)

MVP - Random Players

George Brett (Bees)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Nolan Ryan (Bees)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (Vikings)

Cy - Best of 2000

Matt Carpenter (Lions)

MVP - Best of 2022

Justin Verlander (Lions)

Cy - Best of 2022

Jacob deGrom (Bald Eagles)

Cy - Best of 2019

Matt Carpenter (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2022

Lou Gehrig (Wolves)

MVP - Random Players

Al Downing (Boys of Summer)

Cy - Mid-Century

Norm Cash (Boys of Summer)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Swingmen)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Slugging Sloths)

MVP - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Rampage)

MVP - Best of 2022

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2001

Kerry Wood (Blue Bombers)

Cy - Best of 2001

Yordan Alvarez (Blue Jays)

MVP - Best of 2022

Luis Tiant (Dogs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Parasols)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Yankees)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Ted Williams (Vikings)

MVP - Mid-Century

Brandon Belt (Boys of Summer)

MVP - Best of 2021

Tyler Glasnow (Boys of Summer)

Cy - Best of 2021

Derek Lowe (Team)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Aaron Nola (COUGARS)

Cy - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (COUGARS)

MVP - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Batsmen)

MVP - Best of 2022

Ted Williams (Townies)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jeff Bagwell (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Larry Walker (Showtimes)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Sam Thompson (Stars)

MVP - Deadball Era

Ted Williams (Elite)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mike Trout (Bald Eagles)

MVP - Best of 2019

Luis Castillo (Bald Eagles)

Cy - Best of 2019

Matt Carpenter (Lions)

MVP - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2022

Mickey Mantle (Boys of Summer)

MVP - Mid-Century

Pedro Martinez (Swingmen)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 2022

Barry Bonds (Bullwinkles)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Dragons)

MVP - Random Players

Matt Carpenter (Rampage)

MVP - Best of 2022

Mike Trout (Breakers)

MVP - Best of 2022

Mark McGwire (Bullmen)

MVP - Random Players

Mickey Mantle (Sound)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Ralph Kiner (Horses)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombas)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (Batsmen)

MVP - Best of 2022

Matt Carpenter (Brown)

MVP - Best of 2022

Pedro Martinez (Team)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mark McGwire (Coal Miners)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Bees)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Sam McDowell (Conetops)

Cy - Mid-Century

Matt Carpenter (Lions)

MVP - Best of 2022

Justin Verlander (Lions)

Cy - Best of 2022

Barry Bonds (Jayhawks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Matt Carpenter (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2022

Mickey Mantle (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Marauders)

MVP - Best of 2002

Barry Bonds (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (Rampage)

MVP - Best of 2022

Ted Williams (Talons)

MVP - Mid-Century

George Brett (Dragons)

MVP - Random Players

Mickey Mantle (Bees)

MVP - Random Players

Sandy Koufax (Bees)

Cy - Random Players

Rhys Hoskins (Bullmen)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Lefty Gomez (Cougars)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Rogers Hornsby (Cougars)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Babe Ruth (Yellow Jackets)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Matt Carpenter (Batsmen)

MVP - Best of 2022

Pedro Martinez (Blue Bombas)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Larry Walker (Blue Bombas)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (Brown)

MVP - Best of 2022

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Browns)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Noodles Hahn (Tigers)

Cy - Random Players

Mickey Mantle (Barons)

MVP - Mid-Century

Willie McCovey (Whacks)

MVP - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Vikings)

MVP - Random Players

Franklin Gutierrez (Jabarillas)

MVP - Best of 2015

Mickey Mantle (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Yasmani Grandal (Lions)

MVP - Best of 2021

Jacob deGrom (Lions)

Cy - Best of 2021

Barry Bonds (Bees)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2022

Yu Darvish (Wasps)

Cy - Best of 2022

Barry Bonds (Kids)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Matt Carpenter (BlueBombers)

MVP - Best of 2022

Paul Sewald (BlueBombers)

Cy - Best of 2022

Jacob deGrom (Rampage)

Cy - Best of 2021

Mike Trout (Rampage)

MVP - Best of 2021

Barry Bonds (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Chris Young (PigSnouts)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Frank Thomas (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Jim Maloney (Talons)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Bees)

MVP - Best of 2001

Barry Bonds (Dolphins)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Oliver Perez (Whitecaps)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Dazzy Vance (Bombers)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Jim Thome (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Team)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Mickey Mantle (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Mud Hens)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Willie McCovey (Micky Mice)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mike Trout (Cyclones)

MVP - Best of 2015

Mickey Mantle (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Bob Gibson (Millers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mark McGwire (Vikings)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Bees)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (PigSnouts)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (PigSnouts)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Jacob deGrom (Rampage)

Cy - Best of 2021

Mike Trout (Rampage)

MVP - Best of 2021

Barry Zito (Blue Bombers)

Cy - Best of 2001

Larry Walker (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2001

Ted Williams (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jack Pfiester (Deadbolts)

Cy - Deadball Era

Babe Ruth (Bombers)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Jeff Bagwell (Bees)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Ted Williams (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Stars)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Ted Williams (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Sandy Koufax (Millers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mickey Mantle (Micky Mice)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Black Barrons)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Eric Gagne (Black Barrons)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Mud Hens)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Jacob deGrom (Wasps)

Cy - Best of 2021

Mike Trout (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2021

Barry Bonds (Vigilantes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Kids)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Eric Gagne (Kids)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Jacob deGrom (Blue Bombers)

Cy - Best of 2021

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2001

Barry Bonds (Victory)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Victory)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Billy Wagner (PigSnouts)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mark McGwire (Jay Bombers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (Jay Bombers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Dazzy Vance (Bombers)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Babe Ruth (Blue Sox)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Ice Sculptors)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jim Gentile (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Herb Score (Millers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Joey Gallo (Grays)

MVP - Best of 2019

Ryan Raburn (Cyclones)

MVP - Best of 2015

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Elephants)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mel Ott (Vikings)

MVP - Random Players

Yasmani Grandal (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2021

Jacob deGrom (Wasps)

Cy - Best of 2021

Barry Bonds (Mud Hens)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Derek Lowe (Mud Hens)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Bill Singer (Launch)

Cy - Best of 1969

Reggie Jackson (Launch)

MVP - Best of 1969

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2001

Barry Bonds (Vigilantes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Kids)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Craig Kimbrel (Blue Bombers)

Cy - Best of 2021

Shohei Ohtani (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2021

Barry Bonds (Victory)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Victory)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (BJays)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Jacob deGrom (Vikings)

Cy - Best of 2021

Mickey Mantle (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (JayBombers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Apes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Browns)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Franklin Gutierrez (Marauders)

MVP - Best of 2015

Randy Johnson (Taz)

Cy - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Taz)

MVP - Random Players

Sandy Koufax (Micky Mice)

Cy - Mid-Century

Willie McCovey (Micky Mice)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Team)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Roy Oswalt (Brahma Bulls)

Cy - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Brahma Bulls)

MVP - Random Players

Willie McCovey (Launch)

MVP - Best of 1969

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2001

Pedro Martinez (Blue Bombers)

Cy - Best of 2001

Todd Helton (Black Barrons)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Jays)

MVP - Random Players

Rich Harden (Mud Hens)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Mud Hens)

MVP - Best of 2000s

J.D. Martinez (Blue jays)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Vigilantes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Randy Johnson (Kids)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Kids)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Bombers)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Jake Peavy (BJays)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (BJays)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mike Trout (Grays)

MVP - Best of 2021

Sam McDowell (Millers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Apes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Jeff Bagwell (MGD)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Babe Ruth (Grumpy Old Men)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Max Scherzer (Millers)

Cy - Random Players

Willie McCovey (Launch)

MVP - Best of 1969

Mike Cuellar (Launch)

Cy - Best of 1969

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2001

Willie Mays (Thundersticks)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Revenge)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Scorching Heat)

MVP - Random Players

Pedro Martinez (Mashers)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Mud Hens)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Lou Gehrig (Stealth)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Vikings)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Renegades)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jimmie Foxx (Rampage)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Bulldogs)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Dodgers)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Victory)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pete Alexander (ROCKETS)

Cy - Deadball Era

Jeff Bagwell (Pigsnouts)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2001

Barry Bonds (BJays)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Oliver Perez (BJays)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Orphans)

MVP - 1970-Present

Mickey Mantle (Chiefs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Norm Cash (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Luis Tiant (Millers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Lucas Giolito (Gargoyles)

Cy - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Gargoyles)

MVP - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Grumpy Old Men)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Browns)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Mashers)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Luis Tiant (Thundersticks)

Cy - Mid-Century

Roy Halladay (Revenge)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Revenge)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Bats)

MVP - Random Players

Lou Gehrig (Rampage)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Nolan Ryan (Renegades)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Renegades)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Mighty Mice)

MVP - Random Players

Willie Mays (Bisons)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Jaybirds)

MVP - Random Players

Pedro Martinez (Victory)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Victory)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Henry Boyle (ROCKETS)

Cy - Deadball Era

Koji Uehara (Bullwinkles)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Oliver Perez (Green Grorillas)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Green Grorillas)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Ted Williams (Thundersticks)

MVP - Mid-Century

Tiny Bonham (Thundersticks)

Cy - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Browns)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Grumpy Old Men)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Jake Peavy (Mets)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Jacob deGrom (Stingers)

Cy - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Commodores)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Revenge)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Cardinals)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Dazzy Vance (Cardinals)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Renegades)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Rampage)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Pedro Dibut (Rampage)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Vigilantes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Jeff Bagwell (Mashers)

MVP - Best of 1994

Brandon Belt (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2020

Luke Voit (V-Kings)

MVP - Best of 2018

Sam Thompson (FoX)

MVP - Deadball Era

Mickey Mantle (Thundersticks)

MVP - Mid-Century

Luis Tiant (Thundersticks)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Blue Bombas)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Cardinals)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Larry Walker (Bees)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Mighty Mice)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Fire and Rescue)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Rich Harden (Fire and Rescue)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Hank Aaron (Bombas)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Gerrit Cole (Sea Dogs)

Cy - Best of 2019

Kenley Jansen (Popeyes)

Cy - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Popeyes)

MVP - Random Players

Pedro Martinez (Babies)

Cy - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Babies)

MVP - Random Players

Mike Trout (Rocket Dogs)

MVP - Best of 2019

Justin Verlander (Rocket Dogs)

Cy - Best of 2019

Barry Bonds (MudHens)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Jeff Bagwell (Mashers)

MVP - Best of 1994

Babe Ruth (Knights)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Ron Kittle (JayHawks)

MVP - Best of 1980s

David Freese (Twins)

MVP - Best of 2019

Giovanny Gallegos (Twins)

Cy - Best of 2019

David Freese (Rampage)

MVP - Best of 2019

Koji Uehara (FoXX)

Cy - Random Players

Jimmie Foxx (FoXX)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Monks)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Apes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Frank Thomas (Vikings)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Ted Williams (Millers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Legends)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jim Thome (Schnoodles)

MVP - Random Players

Mickey Mantle (Fox)

MVP - Mid-Century

Russ Ford (Gators)

Cy - Deadball Era

Hank Aaron (Dragons)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Jason Schmidt (WildCats)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Jack Clements (IceFesters)

MVP - Deadball Era

Silver King (IceFesters)

Cy - Deadball Era

Charley Radbourn (Black Sox)

Cy - Deadball Era

Mike Schmidt (BlueSox)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Willie McCovey (Eagles)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ed Walsh (Cobras)

Cy - Deadball Era

Luis Tiant (LIGHT)

Cy - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (LIGHT)

MVP - Mid-Century

Kal Daniels (Frosies)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Travis Hafner (Americans 5)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Derek Lowe (Americans 5)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Bryce Harper (Hawks)

MVP - Best of 2015

Masahiro Tanaka (Hawks)

Cy - Best of 2015

Bryce Harper (Phillies)

MVP - Best of 2015

Willie McCovey (MLB)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Sam Thompson (Teds)

MVP - Deadball Era

Hank Aaron (Bunches)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Russ Ford (Bears)

Cy - Deadball Era

Joe Jackson (Pandas)

MVP - Deadball Era

John Clarkson (Pandas)

Cy - Deadball Era

Levi Meyerle (Six Shooters)

MVP - Deadball Era

Jeff Bagwell (IronPigs)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Randy Johnson (IronPigs)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Giancarlo Stanton (Blue Jays)

MVP - Best of 2015

Jack Clements (Teetotalers)

MVP - Deadball Era

Roger Maris (Batsmen)

MVP - Mid-Century

Bryce Harper (McGee)

MVP - Best of 2015

Bryce Harper (Athletics)

MVP - Best of 2015

Clayton Kershaw (Athletics)

Cy - Best of 2015

Mike Scott (Hoosiers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Bryce Harper (Moon Crossers)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Breezios)

MVP - Best of 2015

Oscar Gamble (Machine)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Gaylord Perry (Machine)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Frank Thomas (Elite)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Nolan Ryan (Elite)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Willie McCovey (Prairie Wolves)

MVP - Mid-Century

Masahiro Tanaka (Tide)

Cy - Best of 2015

Franklin Gutierrez (Tide)

MVP - Best of 2015

Ken Griffey (Playmakers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Giancarlo Stanton (Funnels)

MVP - Best of 2015

Kal Daniels (Majorbeleaguers)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Stan Musial (Stallions)

MVP - Mid-Century

Sam Thompson (Pandas)

MVP - Deadball Era

Mickey Mantle (Batsmen)

MVP - Mid-Century

Rafael Furcal (Bulldogs)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mickey Mantle (HORSES)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mike Scott (WhompDogs)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Jeff Bagwell (Barons)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Jake Arrieta (Athletics)

Cy - Best of 2015

Franklin Gutierrez (Athletics)

MVP - Best of 2015

Ed Walsh (Spiders)

Cy - Deadball Era

Ken Griffey (Elite)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Nolan Ryan (Elite)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (BlueJays)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Darryl Strawberry (Mike)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mark Teixeira (Cats)

MVP - Best of 2015

Carlos Correa (A's)

MVP - Best of 2015

Jake Arrieta (Vikings)

Cy - Best of 2015

Franklin Gutierrez (Vikings)

MVP - Best of 2015

Norm Cash (Prairie Wolves)

MVP - Mid-Century

Luis Tiant (Prairie Wolves)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mike Scott (TAZ)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Mike Schmidt (TAZ)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Franklin Gutierrez (Bears)

MVP - Best of 2015

Clayton Kershaw (Bears)

Cy - Best of 2015

Juan Marichal (MM's)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mario Soto (Bears)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Walter Johnson (Athletics)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Jimmie Foxx (Athletics)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Bob Gibson (bees)

Cy - Mid-Century

Jake Arrieta (Athletics)

Cy - Best of 2015

Sonny Gray (Bombers)

Cy - Best of 2015

Bryce Harper (Bombers)

MVP - Best of 2015

John Tudor (Terriers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Kal Daniels (Terriers)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Giancarlo Stanton (Madmen)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Badger Claws)

MVP - Best of 2015

Madison Bumgarner (Badger Claws)

Cy - Best of 2015

Franklin Gutierrez (League)

MVP - Best of 2015

Mike Scott (Sluggers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Jake Arrieta (Vikings)

Cy - Best of 2015

Franklin Gutierrez (Vikings)

MVP - Best of 2015

Sam Thompson (Pandas)

MVP - Deadball Era

Franklin Gutierrez (Lions)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Royals)

MVP - Best of 2015

Kal Daniels (TAZ)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Kal Daniels (Statesmen)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Clayton Kershaw (League)

Cy - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Man Wolves)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Mice)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Gunners)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Bears)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Yankees)

MVP - Best of 2015

Giancarlo Stanton (Symposiums)

MVP - Best of 2015

Ted Williams (MM's)

MVP - Mid-Century

Giancarlo Stanton (Roosters)

MVP - Best of 2015

Frank Thomas (Barons)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (Barons)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mike Scott (Gators)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (League)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Albert Pujols (League)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Giancarlo Stanton (Bats)

MVP - Best of 2015

Frank Thomas (Lions)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mike Schmidt (Alliance)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Bryce Harper (Vikings)

MVP - Best of 2015

Francisco Liriano (Vikings)

Cy - Best of 2015

Ted Williams (Blues)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mike Schmidt (TAZ)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Tim Lincecum (Baseball)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Zack Greinke (Pandas)

Cy - Best of 2015

Mike Schmidt (Statesmen)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Sam Thompson (Red Sox)

MVP - Deadball Era

Hank Aaron (Team)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Mickey Mantle (Pandas)

MVP - Mid-Century

Willie Mays (SEA DOGS)

MVP - Mid-Century

Juan Marichal (SEA DOGS)

Cy - Mid-Century

Ken Phelps (Wonders)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Sam Thompson (Pandas)

MVP - Deadball Era

Kal Daniels (Stallions3)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Phil Plantier (Blue Boys)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Kal Daniels (Jets)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Randy Johnson (Explorers)

Cy - Best of 2001

Jimmie Foxx (Wranglers)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Mickey Mantle (Yankees)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (MM's)

MVP - Mid-Century

Luis Tiant (MM's)

Cy - Mid-Century

Jeff Bagwell (Samurais)

MVP - 1970-Present

Nolan Ryan (Clowns)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Mike Schmidt (Alliance)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Dwight Gooden (Alliance)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Greg Maddux (Jays)

Cy - Best of 1994

Pete Alexander (SixShooters)

Cy - Deadball Era

Mickey Mantle (Stallions4)

MVP - Mid-Century

Dwight Gooden (TAZ)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Eric Davis (TAZ)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Bret Saberhagen (Statesmen)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Mark McGwire (roughriders)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Tom Seaver (H's)

Cy - Best of 1971

Lee May (H's)

MVP - Best of 1971

Mike Schmidt (Stallions3)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Jim Thome (Angels)

MVP - Best of 2001

Kal Daniels (Stallions)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Randy Johnson (Blue Boys)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Frank Thomas (Blue Boys)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Ryan Howard (Wild)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Randy Johnson (Wild)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Mike Schmidt (Alliance)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mike Scott (Alliance)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Frank Thomas (Patriots)

MVP - 1970-Present

Dave McNally (Pandas)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Pandas)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mark McGwire (TAZ)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (JayHawks)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Mike Norris (Statesmen)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Mike Schmidt (Statesmen)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Hank Aaron (Bigleaguers)

MVP - Best of 1971

Dave McNally (Yankees)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Yankees)

MVP - Mid-Century

Michael Cuddyer (Counselors)

MVP - Best of 2014

Kal Daniels (roughriders)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Ted Williams (MM's)

MVP - Mid-Century

Kevin Mitchell (Peanuts)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mike Schmidt (Wonders)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Bret Saberhagen (Wonders)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (Senators)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Ryan Howard (Senators)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Randy Johnson (Angels)

Cy - Best of 2001

Larry Walker (Avengers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mickey Mantle (Bears)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mark McGwire (Rodents)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Nolan Ryan (Barbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Ken Griffey (Barbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Ted Williams (MM's)

MVP - Mid-Century

Kevin Mitchell (Macs)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Giancarlo Stanton (Trout)

MVP - Best of 2014

Pedro Martinez (League)

Cy - Best of 2001

Rickey Henderson (PuddyTats)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mickey Mantle (Capitals)

MVP - Mid-Century

Juan Marichal (Capitals)

Cy - Mid-Century

Jeff Bagwell (Tools)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mike Schmidt (BigDeal)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (Senators)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Jeff Bagwell (Avengers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Nolan Ryan (Diablos)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (Diablos)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Kal Daniels (Supers)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mike Schmidt (Alliance)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Ted Williams (TeddyandTheMan)

MVP - Mid-Century

Denny McLain (TeddyandTheMan)

Cy - Mid-Century

Bucky Walters (Coyotes)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Fred McGriff (Pigpens)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Chris Sale (AcesHigh2)

Cy - Best of 2014

Michael Cuddyer (AcesHigh2)

MVP - Best of 2014

Luis Gonzalez (League)

MVP - Best of 2001

Dave McNally (Foxes)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Foxes)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ken Phelps (League)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Kal Daniels (Jays)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mickey Mantle (Bombers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Curt Schilling (RocketLaunchers)

Cy - Best of 2002

Mike Scott (League)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Mickey Mantle (Peanuts)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Capitals)

MVP - Mid-Century

Teddy Higuera (Alliance)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Larry Walker (Avengers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Troy Tulowitzki (League)

MVP - Best of 2014

Frank Thomas (InkSpots)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Curt Schilling (InkSpots)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mike Schmidt (Millers2)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Elders)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mike Schmidt (Roughriders)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (Legends)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jason Schmidt (BigThing)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Crush)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Kal Daniels (Boots)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Clayton Kershaw (Patriots)

Cy - Best of 2013

Chris Davis (Patriots)

MVP - Best of 2013

Mickey Mantle (Bombers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Tide)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Ken Griffey (Rolers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Chris Davis (Popeyes)

MVP - Best of 2013

Max Scherzer (Popeyes)

Cy - Best of 2013

Ed Walsh (Ironbirds)

Cy - Deadball Era

Jimmie Foxx (Blue Crabs)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Carl Hubbell (Blue Crabs)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Dwight Gooden (Eaters)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Larry Walker (Clubbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (League2)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (League2)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Russ Ford (Deadbeats)

Cy - Deadball Era

Juan Marichal (Giants)

Cy - Best of 1969

Willie McCovey (Giants)

MVP - Best of 1969

Jim Thome (HOFers)

MVP - Best of 2002

Randy Johnson (Tide)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (Tide)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mickey Mantle (Bombers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Mashers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Juan Marichal (Twins)

Cy - Best of 1969

Reggie Jackson (Twins)

MVP - Best of 1969

Mike Schmidt (Boots)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Don Mattingly (Boots)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mickey Mantle (MM Boys)

MVP - Mid-Century

Denny McLain (MM Boys)

Cy - Mid-Century

Larry Walker (Mojo)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Frank Thomas (Millers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Ted Williams (Boys)

MVP - Mid-Century

Joe McGinnity (Legends)

Cy - Deadball Era

Honus Wagner (Legends)

MVP - Deadball Era

Ken Griffey (bluejays)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Craig Kimbrel (League)

Cy - Best of 2012

Dazzy Vance (Gang)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Jimmie Foxx (Gang)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Ken Griffey (Legends)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Luis Tiant (Bears)

Cy - Mid-Century

Ted Williams (Bears)

MVP - Mid-Century

Larry Walker (Mania)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Greg Maddux (Mania)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (Mojo)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mickey Mantle (MM Boys)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jim Thome (Mash2)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Sam Thompson (Ironbirds)

MVP - Deadball Era

Curt Schilling (League)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (League)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Curt Schilling (Bluejays)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mark McGwire (Bluejays)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Lou Gehrig (Dirty Sox)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Clayton Kershaw (Middlemen)

Cy - Best of 2012

Carl Hubbell (Athletics)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Jimmie Foxx (Athletics)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Ken Griffey (Legends)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Don Mattingly (Peanuts)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (League)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Eric Gagne (Dogs)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Luis Tiant (Bears)

Cy - Mid-Century

Billy Hamilton (Grays)

MVP - Deadball Era

Mickey Mantle (Gang)

MVP - Mid-Century

Sam Thompson (Runners)

MVP - Deadball Era

Greg Maddux (Mania)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mike Scott (Mash)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Cecil Cooper (Mash)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (Mojo)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (Mojo)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Larry Walker (BlueJays)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (WidowMakers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jeff Bagwell (WidowMakers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Ty Cobb (Ironbirds)

MVP - Deadball Era

Russ Ford (Ironbirds)

Cy - Deadball Era

Walter Johnson (Legends)

Cy - Deadball Era

Rafael Furcal (Mash2)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Josh Hamilton (League)

MVP - Best of 2012

Mike Scott (LXG)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Josh Hamilton (Mash)

MVP - Best of 2012

Roger Clemens (Carnivals)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Ted Williams (Bosox)

MVP - Mid-Century

Red Lucas (Flatirons)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Mickey Mantle (Yankers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Chuck Klein (Black sox)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Bucky Walters (Black sox)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Sandy Koufax (Clippers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Eddie Mathews (Clippers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jimmie Foxx (Herd)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Luis Tiant (Woodies)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Woodies)

MVP - Mid-Century

Pedro Martinez (Mojo)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jim Thome (Coyotes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Bob Gibson (Avengers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Gang)

MVP - Mid-Century

Carlos Gonzalez (Kitties)

MVP - Best of 2012

Josh Hamilton (Tiggers)

MVP - Best of 2012

Pedro Martinez (MadCats)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Frank Thomas (BlueJays)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mickey Mantle (Agitgators)

MVP - Mid-Century

Sammy Sosa (Dorados)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Johnny Mize (Woodies)

MVP - Mid-Century

Josh Hamilton (Stripes)

MVP - Best of 2012

Roger Clemens (Mojo)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mark McGwire (Mojo)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Wimpies)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Travis Hafner (Coyotes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Jim Maloney (Avengers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Jimmie Foxx (Millers)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Kevin Mitchell (Speeds)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Randy Johnson (Bullheads)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Frank Thomas (BlackDucks)

MVP - 1970-Present

Rogers Hornsby (Bullheads)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Rogers Hornsby (BlackDucks)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Looney Tunes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (MadCats)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (MadCats)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Wasps)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Ken Griffey (Giants)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (Giants)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Josh Hamilton (Duckth)

MVP - Best of 2012

Barry Bonds (Frogs)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Sammy Sosa (BigDogs)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Denny McLain (Underdogs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Underdogs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Juan Guzman (Looney Toones)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Jim Thome (Looney Tunes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (MadCats)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Widowmakers)

Cy - 1970-Present

Pedro Martinez (Wasps)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Larry Walker (Looney Toones)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Larry Walker (Mad Ducks)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Looney Tunes)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Babe Ruth (Mongrels)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dwight Gooden (Widowmakers)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jeff Bagwell (Widowmakers)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Wasps)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Wasps)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Lou Gehrig (MadDucks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Sluggers)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Ted Williams (HOFamers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (SmokeyBears)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Ducks)

MVP - 1970-Present

Mickey Mantle (Peanuts Gang)

MVP - Mid-Century

Todd Helton (Bullheads)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Mad Ducks)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Mad Ducks)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mickey Mantle (Underdogs)

MVP - Mid-Century

Ben Sheets (Kryptonians)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Derrek Lee (Kryptonians)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Jeff Bagwell (MadDucks)

MVP - 1970-Present

Frank Thomas (Taz)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (MadCats)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Mickey Mantle (MadDucks)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ted Williams (MickyMice)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Tazmanians)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (HoFamers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (MadHens)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (MadHens)

MVP - Mid-Century


Cy - All-Time Greats

Stan Musial (KRYPTONIANS4)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (X-Men)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (X-Men)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Kryptonians)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (Kryptonians2)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Mudhens5)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (MickeyMice)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Mickey Mantle (Bombers)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Jack Pfiester (MadCubbies)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Hack Wilson (MadCubbies)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Jack Pfiester (MudHens)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Rocket Dogs)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Player Scramble

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